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Best Part • Daniel Caesar(feat H. E. R.)

"You don't know, babe
When you hold me
And kiss me slowly
It's the sweetest thing
And it don't change
If I had it my way
You would know that you are"

Mel held the graceful angel in his arms as the song played.

He felt didn't know why he felt so weird, but he did know that he started feeling that way the moment he saw the brown-skinned beauty in his arms. And while he didn't like the feelings, he decided to deal with it for the time being.

From an outsider's perspective, the intensity between Mel and Amora was undeniable. Mel couldn't look away from her, and it seemed like Amora wanted to look away, but it was like a force keeping their eye contact.

Meanwhile, Amora was on cloud nine. The handsome man was like the Prince Charming to her Cinderella. Their dance felt like one straight out of a movie or a book, it was so perfect. His hands around her waist, her hands around his neck, it was a literal dream come true.

He smells so good! She thought and a satisfied sigh escaped her mouth, alerting the handsome man.

"Is everything okay?" He asked in a tone that made Amora's heart melt. She couldn't help but blush, his voice reminded her of Mel Gibson's voice.

"Of course!" She answered shyly. Amora couldn't think straight, this man had to be a figment of her imagination and she was most likely still sleeping on the jet.

Silence took over, and Amora decided that she would just indulge in the joy that came from being in the man's arms. She didn't know if she would ever have such an experience like this, so she wanted to enjoy it without overthinking.

"If you love me won't you say something?

If you love me won't you

If you love me won't you say something?

If you love me won't you

Love me, won't you"

The song had come to an end and Amora was still swaying in the arms of the handsome man. The couple didn't even notice the song changing to a fast-paced song. Nothing was relevant to them at that moment, but as it is known, all good things must come to an end.

"Check you out, girl!"

A familiar voice rang out to Amora as she was snapped out of her trance-like moment with the handsome man.

Amora's eyes widened as she remembered that it wasn't just her and the man, and just as she was about to speak to the man, he spoke.

"Thank you for the dance, angel." The handsome man gently lifted her hand and left a soft kiss on the top. And as he walked into the crowd of people, Amora was left mesmerized.

"Chanel, did you see him too? Or I am just finally losing it?" Amora asked her friend with wondrous eyes.

Chanel laughed. "Um, if you meant that extremely tall, dark, and handsome man, then yes. He was very real. You're so lucky!" Chanel squealed in excitement.

Amora blushed. "Yeah, I am. I wonder who he is?" Amora asked with a curious tone which left Chanel shocked.

"Are you kidding me? You don't know who he is? You're too cute! That was-" Chanel cut herself off with a squeal.

"Who's that shadow holding me hostage?

I've been here for days."

"OMG! They're playing Stockholm Syndrome! Let's dance."

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