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Night Changes • One Direction

"Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up"

"Now, I know that I said this was the last question, but I think that we'd all like to know the answer to this question. Is there a special man in your life?" Delia asked with a smirk and a curious glint in her eyes.

Amora had to smile, Of course, she'd ask me this. "Well, I'll be honest. I've never even had my first kiss yet, not even one of those kisses you get when you're younger that don't even really count. The only special man in my life is my father, Robin. He's the greatest father a girl could ask for."

Amora was always honest even if it meant slight rudeness from social media, she wasn't ashamed of the fact that she hadn't been kissed, it was okay.

-"And thanks for being on the show. Amora Jean everyone!" Delia said snapping Amora out of her thought, with a huge smile Amora waved to the audience and made her way off the stage. With a sigh, she made her way to the mic people to get her dreaded mic off of her.

"You were amazing out there, Amora. Now it's time to get home, we've got our New Year's Eve party!" Arianne, Amora's mom spoke with a soft smile.

Amora grinned tiredly, "Mama, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Do you think I was silly to tell them that I haven't been kissed?" Amora asked worried as they walked to their private jet.

Arianne shook her head. "You answered the long-awaited question correctly, now stop worrying. Topic change!" The older woman yelled making Amora laugh. "Ma, why do you have to be like this?" She asked while still laughing.

Arianne rolled her eyes. "I'm grown, I can do whatever I want. Now, what're you gonna wear to the party? Your father invited all of California's most eligible bachelors for you." She said with a laugh, she knew how much Amora hated when her father tried to set her up.

"Ma, please tell me that you're lying! Goodness, I can't stand when he does that." She said exasperatedly.

"You know that he only wants the best for you. He just wants to see his little girl with the man of her dreams, and he just thinks that maybe you'll meet him tonight." Arianne told her daughter with a reassuring smile.

The mother and daughter sat in the jet and relaxed. "I just think you should be open-minded to what could come out of tonight, that's all I ask," Arianne said wisely and called the attendant for a drink.

Amora sighed. "Ma, you know we've been through this multiple times. I-i guess I'm just tired of getting my hopes up, the disappointment hurts more than anything." Tears pooled in her dark eyes as she thought of her miserable days. Arianne gasped lightly and comforted her daughter, the change of emotion surprised her.

"One day, Amora, you'll look back and have joy about this time. But until then you have every right to get sad and feel this way, and how does this sound? I'll make sure that your father doesn't try matchmaker ever again if this fails." Arianne understood exactly where her daughter was coming from, she had been in the same position before.

The mother and daughter rested during their two-hour flight to Los Altos.

Three Hours Later

"It just hurts her so deeply, seeing her cry made me realize that she's not as strong as she puts on." Amora woke up in her bedroom to her mother's voice.

"I understand. I just wish I knew how she felt before tonight, I won't do it again. I just pray that she'll finally meet someone, I just want her to be happy." She heard her father speaking lightly to her mother, the sincerity in her father's voice almost made her cry again.

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