Mr Gold's Pawn shop

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Disclaimer: all rights to ABC and Odette Beane. Only a few characters are mine.

After leaving Regina in her office, I begin walking around Storybrooke, thinking. I think about my old life mainly.
What would my life be like if I had not taken Rumplestiltskin's deal? What would my life be like if I was still in the Enchanted Forest? What would my life be like if I was still with my dad? All these thoughts clouded my brain until I felt I was going mental.
"Bloody hell," I whisper softly, "you'd think I was losing my mind." I walk in the nearest store to escape the bitter wind that so suddenly stumbles upon the mystical town of Storybrooke. A small bell jingles as I enter the pawnshop. I had seen the sign as I walked in: Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop. For some odd reason, the name Mr. Gold strikes a line in my brain, making me think I know someone like that. Someone who loves gold...
"May I help you?" Someone asks me. I turn to see a guy, probably in his late forties, early fifties... but his face. I notice a small spinning wheel keychain on the table. Then it clicks. Gold. A spinning wheel. Straw. Henry is right, the fairytale characters are really here. Somehow they are out of the Enchanted Forest. My dad... No, he could not be here, right? I look in fear and hate at the person who has caused me to be here. The person who has tried to kill both my father and I countless times. Rumpelstiltskin. He, of course, looks different. His skin color is no longer like little flecks of gold, but a normal color. His hair is not crimped, but straight. His choice of clothes is different, not a crocodile leather vest, but business suits, with a black cane. Undeniably, it is Rumplestiltskin.
"You," I say, still looking at him.
"I'm sorry. Have we met?" He asks, genuinely sounding dumbstruck.
"Er, no. Not in this life," I say, whispering the last part so he can not hear it. I turn around and leave the pawnshop, my mind reeling. Henry is right! All these fairytale characters are here! My dad... I checked my phone for the time: 3:25. Henry should be out of school soon.

I find Henry's school and wait in the hallway. When the bell rings, I see him exit his classroom and notice me before I notice him.
"Hey kid, about the book..."
"Yes? Do you believe? You do don't you! I knew it!" Henry practically shrieks.
"Henry-" I tried to say, but he cuts me off.
"Are you Ashton?"
"Uh, no."
"Yes you are." I bit my lip uncomfortably.
"No! You are Ashton! Yes! I knew it!"
"Can we take this somewhere else?" I ask him.
"Sure, my mom won't expect me home for at least another hour. I'm supposed to go see Archie today."
"Archie?" I ask him.
"My shrink."
"Oh, right."
"Lets go to my castle," Henry suggests. He shoulders his book bag and we head for his castle to talk.

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