Another Curse

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Hook and I go to Gold's shop. Inside, Hook yells,
"Crocodile?! Where are you?!" He sees a wooden box on the desk of the shop. There's a hand print burned into it. Hook touches it. "Emma, no," he says softly. Hook picks up his phone and calls Emma. He leaves a voicemail:
"Swan, its Killian again, you have to listen to me. I know that you've been to see Gold, I saw what you did. If he's promised to get rid of your powers, don't listen to him. He doesn't want to help you. He wants to collect your powers in a bloody magic hat and when he does you'll be sucked in too. I don't know what he's planning but I know that he's been lying to Belle. The dagger he gave her is a fake." I go to the back of the shop and don't listen to the rest.
"Dad," I say and he comes to the back. I show him a map that was on the back table. It has a white area circled that says 'mansion.' Hook turns and runs out of the shop as fast as he can with me following.
"Do you know how to get to that mansion?" I ask Hook once we've exited the shop.
"Yeah, I think I've been there before. Plus, I know how to read a map," he replies.
"Well, let's go then," I say.
"No?" I question.
"I'm going after Emma. And I've learned how to manage one of these bloody carriages. I can get there. I'm not worrying about you the entire time," Hook says.
"I can take care of myself," I say.
"I know you can, love, but I need to do this alone. Just please, stay here so I know that you're safe. Please."
I nod. "Go," I tell him, "go."

Worried, I sit in my apartment, counting the hours as they go by. It has been three hours, how can it take so long to drive to a mansion and get someone to come with you away. Bloody hell. There's a knock at the door and I get my hopes up but calm myself in case it's a disappointment like usual. I open the door. For once, it's not a disappointment. I hug Hook tightly. When the hug is over I look at him. Something does not seem right.
"Are you okay?" I ask. He smiles,
"Never better. Emma's safe. That's where I'm headed now if you want to come."
"No, I'm alright," I say. He turns to leave. "Hey. You know you can tell me if you did something. Everyone makes mistakes, okay? And sometimes you just need someone to forgive you."
"I know, A." The apartment door across the way opens and David runs out to the apartment complex window, being followed by all the heroes.
"Oh, no," Mary Margaret says.
"What is it?" Hook asks.
"The spell of shattered sight," Elsa says. "My aunt is really doing this."
"We can open the mines and the vault. We take shelter there," says David.
"This is magic," Regina says. "It doesn't care about ceilings. It's started."
"How long?" I ask.
"By sundown," replies Regina. "By sundown, everyone in this town will start...tearing each other apart."
"Okay," Emma says. "The answer is simple. Let's not be in town. Let's go to Elsa's ice wall and get out of here."
"I agree," Elsa says, and everyone else seems to be in mutual decision.
"Let's go," David says, "before it's too late."
We go to Elsa's ice wall at the same point where Emma had been trapped not too long ago.
"This is your plan?" Regina asks Emma. "Brute force?"
"Nothing wrong with brute force if it works," Emma replies.
"If we can get over," Leroy says, "we can build a frame, take people over one at a time."
David shoulders some climbing rope and heads towards the wall.
"David, be careful," Mary Margaret whispers to him.
He puts his hand on her shoulder and grabs a pick axe. One attempt to break the ice, and the wall fights right back. As soon as the axe makes contact with the ice, it flings David back, growing even more tall of an ice wall in its place.
"You okay?" Mary Margaret runs to David's side.
David groans and nods.
"Looks like that wall doesn't care much for your brute force," Regina comments. The ice cracks a little below Elsa and she reaches down to grab something in the ice.
"Wait, no, Elsa, that thing could go off again!" Emma exclaims, moving Elsa away from the wall.
"It's Anna's necklace!" Elsa says, excitedly showing us the silver, snowflake shaped necklace she is holding. "I thought it was gone. It's like a miracle."
"Glad you found it," Emma tells her. "But sentimentality's not worth risking your life over. It's a sign, Emma--a sign we're gonna win."
"Is everyone into this hope thing now?" Regina scoffs.
"If we're gonna win, we need to stop wasting time," Emma says. "Mom, dad, Ashton, Leroy, go tell everyone what's going on. When this goes down, everyone needs to be separated from their loved ones if they don't want to hurt each other. Killian, go to the waterfront and see if we can use boats to get some people out."
"I have to warn Robin Hood," Regina says. "His camp's not far from here."
"Okay, go," Emma says. "Elsa and I are gonna talk to Gold, see if he has any ideas. Henry, you come with us."
"No, he's with me," Regina commands. "I'm his best chance."
"That might not be true," Elsa objects. "Emma and I? I think we're immune."
"What?" Regina asks, disbelievingly.
"These ribbons," Elsa shows her wrist with a yellow ribbon identical to the one Emma also has on her wrist. "If the Snow Queen wants us to be her sisters, then the curse won't affect us."
"Then I should definitely watch Henry," Emma says.
"No, you're part of this nut job's plan," Regina says. "I want Henry near me as long as it's safe for him."
"It's okay, mom," Henry tells Emma. "I'll be fine with her."
Emma attempts a smile and hugs Henry.
"We have to go," Regina says. "This is happening now."

In town, everyone that gets the news of the spell immediately becomes alarmed and in a state of frenzy. They make plans to split from their loved ones on opposite sides of town and such.
Soon, Emma calls us to the library where she and Elsa catch us up on the fact that one of Anna's, Elsa's sister, hairs, could work as a vaccine for anyone and everyone affected by the curse of shattered sight. Elsa and Emma had used the recently rediscovered necklace of Anna to track her to the mines, but they couldn't get to the side they needed to without removing one of the rock walls. That's where Leroy came in. He says he can remove the wall with the other dwarfs.
"Leroy, how long to clear the passage?" Emma asks.
"Couple of hours, maybe," he replies. "We can get right on it."
"That's wonderful," says Elsa.
"We don't have a couple of hours!" Regina exclaims. "Have you guys not been watching the clock? It'll be sundown before you munchkins finish."
"Dwarfs, sister," Leroy corrects.
"Like I care," Regina snaps back. "Let's just blast through and take the risk."
David walks into the room of the library. "I just got off the phone with Belle," he tells us. "She thinks we can make the cure without finding Anna. They can pull the mirror dust out of the necklace and use that."
"It's exactly the same?" asks Mary Margaret.
"Almost, it'll take a little longer," says David. "The process is difficult and..." He pauses, glancing at Elsa. "...It will destroy the necklace."
"So the necklace can either save all of us or Anna," Emma sums up.
"No, we can do both!" Elsa tries. "We have time!"
"We don't," Regina states. "Exploring these tunnels could take days."
"So what'll it be, folks?" asks Leroy.  "Save the town or find the sister?"

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