Bloody Ridiculous

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I think I overestimated what would happen when I took off the necklace, because nothing really happened immediately. It just felt good.
"You actually took it off," Barry says.
"Yeah, I don't know why I did that. Are you sure you're not a mind controller too?"
"I don't know," he replies. "I've never tried to mind control someone before."
"Great. Well, I guess you are because I am not a compulsive person," I say.
"Maybe it's because I have your heart," he says. "Or I could be a mind controller. Or it could be that I just am telling the truth."
"I'll hope it's the third."
"I guess we'll find out when the curse is over."
"Speaking of that, how exactly do you expect that to happen because the savior is God knows where, I don't know how to help, and the rest of the town seems to be at each other's throats."
"Yeah, I didn't think that far. I didn't think I'd even convince you to take off the necklace so."
"Oh, great," I say. "So I did something so stupid even you think it was stupid." My immediate thought was just to put the necklace back on, but I wasn't going to do it while Barry had my heart. I looked out the window. "What the hell. Is it..."
"It's snowing," Barry laughs. "It looks like your savior saved the town after all."
"Wow, I guess so," I say, looking out at the once fighting friends now hugging and laughing and watching the snow fall happily. "Right, so the curse is broken." How do you ask a strange person to give you your heart back? I guess short and simple works. "My heart..."
"Oh, yeah, right," Barry says. He actually gives me my heart back, which surprised me more than the feeling of it going back into my body.
"Right, so now that that is solved," I say. "Listen, um, Barry. The thing is, I really have no idea who you are. And I don't really trust people easily. I'm still not really positive if me taking off the necklace was even free will since you had my heart. Now, maybe you are right and I'm gonna destroy earth one day from my built up magical powers or whatever, but that is not going to happen anytime soon. So, I'm just going to put this necklace back on and we can go from there right?" I stepped away from Barry.
"I'm telling the truth," Barry defends himself. "I don't really have proof but I am. I promise!"
"Yeah, well, I have no idea who you are, and where you came from, and this is bloody ridiculous. You shouldn't meet someone by taking out their bloody heart and expect that person to trust you, ever. You need to leave, or we are going to have trouble."
"Damn it," Barry sighs. "I-just, listen, okay?"
"No, this is bloody stupid! Get out, now," I guess I was convincing because Barry paused for a second and then actually turned to leave. I followed slowly to lock the door as soon as he left. When the door was open and Barry was almost out, he turned around and put his hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes.

My eyes open and I was staring out my apartment door. I was confused. I shut the door and realized the crystal necklace Rumpelstiltskin had given me to prevent my magic from working was in my hand and not around my neck. How weird. I quickly put on the necklace and turned back into my apartment. I walked to the window and see the Storybrooke residents on the streets as white falls around them. The once fighting friends now hugging and laughing and watching the snow fall happily. The Snow Queen's curse is broken. I watch them, a sense of anxiety lingering in the pit of my stomach and I can't seem to remember why.

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