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Here's a new part for you babes since it seems like forever since I've updated! Love you all!

Mary Margaret turned and tossed some, but didn't seem to be in much trouble during her sleep. Emma kept staring at her face the whole time, looking for any change. Mulan was over by the tent, I'm not really sure what she was doing. I was just thinking. Which I seemed to do a lot of. Ever since I had seen Hook, all my past just sort of came back up.
When Mary Margaret woke up, she was freaking out.
"What... What happened? What are you doing?" Emma asked as Mary Margaret frantically looked left and right.
"I'm looking for more powder."
"Wait," I said, "I'm pretty sure we're out of that. What happened?"
"No, I have to go back. He's all alone!"
Mary Margaret exclaimed.
"Henry? Is he okay?!" Emma asked with concern in her voice.
"No, it's David. He went under a sleeping curse so he could see me! He thought that my kiss would wake him but it didn't and now he's trapped!"
"Okay, slow down," Emma told her. "David is trapped in there?"
"I have to get back!" Mary Margaret yelled. "There's only one way to help him."
"True love's kiss?" Emma asked.
"Yes. But it won't work in there. We have to get back. If we don't..."
"We will," Emma said, grabbing Mary Margaret's hands to calm her down. "We will."
"Now you're so sure?"
"Yes, you told me to have faith, and now Im telling you we will make it back. Okay? Did you get the information?"
Mary Margaret nodded. "It's Rumpelstiltskin. He said the key to stopping her is in his jail cell."
"Okay, than lets go get it," I said.
Mary Margaret nodded shakily, still in a panic from her little adventure.
"Come on," Emma said, "get your stuff. Come on."
Mary Margaret leaned down and began gathering her stuff, while Emma stuck her hand in her pocket, than her other pocket, and than scanned the woods in a panic.
"No," she said.
"What?" I asked.
"The compass is gone!" She yelled.
I looked around. "And so is Mulan."
It didn't take long to track Mulan down. She was obviously in a panic, her tracks were obvious in the wet mud and crunched leaves.
When Mary Margaret caught sight of her, about one hundred feet ahead, as shot an arrow from her bow. It went into a tree just inches away from Mulan's head.
"That was a warning shot," Mary Margaret told her. "Try to run and I promise the next one won't be."
"How did you find me?"
"I know a thing or two about tracking," Mary Margaret replied.
"All we want is the compass," Emma said.
Mulan replied, "Very well." But she swung out her sword towards Emma. Mary Margaret hopped on top of her, holding a dagger to her throat.
"Give. Me. The. Compass," she said, a wild fire in her eyes.
"And seal Aurora's date?!" Mulan asked.
"We learned how to overpower Cora!" She replied. "Once we get what we need, we will defeat her and Aurora will be free."
"Another journey!" Mulan yelled. "Just as I predicted there would be! Our best chance to save Aurora is to make that trade now."
"Not gonna happen," Mary Margaret stated. "Without that compass, we can't get home."
"Than I hope you're prepared to use that arrow," Mulan told her.
Mary Margaret lifted her hand to dig the knife into Mulan's neck, Emma's eyes widened, but before Mary Margaret could kill Mulan, a clear voice yelled out,
Aurora came out from behind two trees, looking worse for wear, but alive.
"Okay," I said. "Don't take this the wrong way but how the bloody hell did you get here?"
"Let Mulan go," she replied. She walked toward Mary Margaret. "I said, let her go!"
"Were you followed?" Mulan asked as Aurora helped her up.
"I don't think so," Aurora replied. "Cora may know I'm gone, but she didn't see me escape."
"How did you escape?" Emma asked.
"It was Hook. He let me go."
"Why?" I asked.
Aurora looked at Emma. "Because of you. He said he wanted to prove to you that you should have trusted him. That if you had trusted him, you could've beaten Cora together. That the two of you could've gotten the remains of the wardrobe. Without him, you'll have to go up against her all by yourself. He only wants to help, I...I think he may care for you," she finished.
Emma looked forlorn and stared at the ground.
"Don't trust him," I said. "There's no way he did that for you. For us. Whatever. There's some kind of trick in this."
"Did you find a way to stop Cora?" Aurora asked.
"Yes," Emma replied.
"Where are we going?"
"Rumpelstiltskin's cell," I told her.
"Great. Than lead the way," Aurora said.
Mulan lit a torch in the tunnel to the cell.
"Huh," Mary Margaret said. "Rumpelstiltskin's cell. I haven't been here since before Regina's curse. This is where he told us you were going to be the savior."
"He knew?" Emma asked, surprise clear in her voice.
"Oh, it was prophesized," Mary Margaret replied. "Come on."
We walked into the cell, and began searching every nook and cranny for squid ink.
"The squid ink, it's not here," Aurora said, frustrated.
"Gold said we would find it," Mary Margaret said.
"Well, was there anyone else in here with him?" Mulan asked. "Could they have taken the ink?"
"No," Mary Margaret replied. "He was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden. He was too dangerous to allow any human contact."
"How did he keep from going crazy?" Emma asked.
"He didn't," Aurora replied, looking at a piece of parchment.
"What is it?" I asked.
"A message," she replied. "Yes, and I think it's for you." Aurora handed it to Emma.
"Why would you think.....that." Emma looked at the piece of paper. All around the parchment, about seven times on each line, in curly handwriting, was one name over and over. Emma.
Emma stared at the parchment, not blinking, just staring at it in disbelief.
"What does this even mean?!" Emma asked.
"He was obsessed with you, Emma," Mary Margaret told her. "You were the key to breaking the curse."
"We've looked everywhere," Aurora said. "There's no ink in this cell."
"No, there has to be," Mary Margaret said. "He told David."
"You were in a netherworld," Emma told her. "Maybe something got lost in translation."
"No," Mulan said, pulling out a jar from the wall. "She heard right."
"You found it?!" Mary Margaret asked excitedly.
"In a manner of speaking," Mulan replied. "There was ink in this cell."
Emma sighed as she turned the jar over and nothing came out.
"Son of a bitch," I said. "This is why you never trust a bloody crocodile!"
Aurora picked up a rock and threw it at the cable holding the door up.
"Aurora?!" Emma screeched. "What are you doing?! No!" The door slammed against the dirt floor.
"Helping me," a voice said from outside of the cell. It was Cora.
Cora flicked her wrist and the compass went out of Emma's hand into Cora's.
"No," Emma said. "No!"
"Don't waste your energy, dear," Cora told her. "Rumpelstiltskin himself couldn't escape from this cell." Emma continued to try and lift up the cell.
"Thank you, Aurora," Cora said. "We couldn't have done it without you."
"Why would you do this?" Emma turned on Aurora.
"Why would you-?" Mary Margaret began.
Cora laughed. "Don't blame her. She was only doing what she was told," she said, taking out a heart from her pocket.
"You took her heart," Emma muttered.
"Actually," Hook said, "I did. It was a gift."
"You have got to be bloody kidding me," I said.
Cora lightly squeezed Aurora's heart, making her groan in pain.
"I told you we couldn't trust him," I said. "Don't ever trust a pirate."
"Actually, love," Hook said turning to me. "You two are the ones that betrayed me. Leaving me at the top of a bloody beanstalk?"
"How was I supposed to trust you?" Emma asked.
"It's called faith. And if you had even a little bit, darling, you wouldn't be in a cell right now."
"Oh, please," I said. "If we hadn't put you up there you would've betrayed us long ago. You've don't it before, you can bloody well do it again!"
I could tell this had struck a chord. Hook didn't say anything for a moment.
"You may not trust me, but I wouldn't hurt you. And I'm going to make you an offer. My own choice." He paused, looking at me. "You can come with us, Ashton. Three people came through the portal, three can go back. You want to get back there, so why not come with us?"
"I'll tell you why," I said. "Because no matter how much I want to get back. No matter how much I don't want to stay in this hell, I don't betray friends. They wouldn't leave me, so I wouldn't leave them." I paused. "Have a nice trip."

Okay so babes what do y'all think?
The next chapter will be a lot of time between Hook and Ashton, so there will be some drama and...other stuff. Yeah, anyways... what do yall think so far? Are you excited to see what will happen when they have some alone time? Let me know if you have any ideas for something you want to happen between Ashton and Hook!
Liz Xx

Also, I just want to say if you ever see grammatical errors or spelling errors in my chapter just make a little comment saying it so I can fix it. Thanks!

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