Granny's B&B

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Disclaimer: all rights to ABC and Odette Beane. Only a few characters are mine.

Storybrooke is not what I was expecting. Couldn't August have given me a heads up about the rude mayor?! I hope I do not run into her again. I just need to find the kid August told me about. The problem is, how? I hop on my motorcycle and follow the signs to the B&B, not far from where I already am. I go inside.

"Hi! What can I get you?" A waitress chirps. She was my height, but without her six inch heels, she would not be. She is wearing the most insane outfit I have ever seen, and the Enchanted Forest is not known for its most conservative outfits. Red shorts that would probably rip if she bent over, a top that is showing too much, and so much eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick, Barbie is jealous.
"I don't need anything right now, but where can I get a room?"
"Well, Granny's over there. You can talk to her in you need a room, and if you want something to eat you can order it here. I'm Ruby."
"Charissa," I say, still using my fake name.
"Well it's nice to meet you Charissa." Despite her funky sense of fashion, Ruby is really nice.
"Thanks," I say, walking over towards Granny.
"Hi, how can I help you?" She asks when I am over by the desk.
"I'd like to get a room."
"Ok, name?"
"Charissa, er," I pause, deciding on a fake last name, "Castle."
"How long will you be staying with us?"
"One week," I say. I am not really sure how long I will be staying, but one week should be enough time. "Would you like a city view or lake view?"
"Either is fine." She hands me the keys.
"Since we're not ever at a shortage of rooms, I'll give you the city view for the same price, just don't tell the mayor." The mayor.
"What is her problem?"
"Regina? She's... very protective of her son. She doesn't like visitors for some reason, no one knows why."
"How long has she been mayor?"
"As long as I can remember."
"Thank you," I said taking the keys and going to my room.

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