Dream Catcher

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All night I waited inside of my apartment, and Hook did not come back. When it got too late, I checked the alley where we met before and he was not there either. After a while, I decided that he could take care of himself, and then I fell asleep until morning.
As soon as I woke up the next morning and knew Hook was still not back, I walked to Central Park and looked for him. The park may have been crowded, but I am pretty sure a citizen dressed like him would be spotted rather easily, and I did not see anyone who even resembled him as I scanned the park.
And that is when my phone rings and the caller ID says Emma Swan.
"Dad? Are you with Emma, did she take the potion? I thought you were in Central Park?"
"No, I got arrested. And yes, Emma took it. I'm at her apartment. She's going to come back to Storybrooke with us as soon as she ditches her boyfriend," Hook says.
"Boyfriend, what? You know what, nevermind. When are we leaving?"
"Whenever you can get over here," he replies.
"Right, I'll be there soon."
When I get to Emma's apartment, Hook is waiting outside the door. When he sees me, he knocks on Emma's door.
"She's talking to Henry about leaving," he tells me.
I nod and wait for Emma to open the door.
"Hi, Ashton," Emma says.
"Hi," I reply.
"Ready to go, Swan?" Hook asks as we enter her and Henry's apartment.
"Uh, Henry...this is Ashton, and Killian. He's-I'm, uh, I'm helping him with his case," Emma says.
"Did you skip bail?" Henry asks.
"Oh, he's still a little spitfire," Hook says.
"'Still?'" Henry asks.
"He's not a perp, he's a client," Emma tells Henry.
"Why are you dressed like that?" Henry asks Hook.
"Why are you dressed like that?" Hook replies. I laugh at them and Henry looks at me and smiles slightly.
"All right, all right. Just make yourself useful Killian, and get our bags," Emma tells Hook. "Henry, lend him a hand."
"Wait, we're really going?" Henry says.
"Yes," Emma replies. "I just need one last thing." She walks over to a closet, grabs her red leather jacket out of it, and we get in her car and head towards Storybrooke.

Henry is asleep by the time we get to Storybrooke.
"It's really back, I'm really back," Emma says as she steps out of her car.
"As quaint and homey as you remember?" Hook asks her.
"As cursed as I remember," she replies.
Hook reaches into his pocket and pulls out his hook which he detached as not to scare Henry, as Emma said it would.
"How're you gonna explain that to him?" Emma asks, nodding at Henry sleeping in the backseat.
"Well, that's more your concern," he replies. "Perhaps it'll jog his memory."
"Or give him nightmares," I say.
Emma agrees. "Last time this curse took away everyone's memories. This time...?"
"We don't know what it did," Hook tells her.
"Then I'll find out," Emma says. "Stay here and watch Henry. Don't wake him or scare him or-just let him sleep."
"Where are you going to go?" I ask her.
"To see my parents," she replies and goes off in the direction of David and Mary Margaret's apartment with Hook.
I stay with Henry at the car, leaning against it and playing with the crystal necklace around my neck.

"Henry's upstairs, asleep. If he wakes up, you two are helping me with the case, okay?" Emma speaks to David and Mary Margaret, Hook and I also in the room. "So, what the hell happened here? I mean, besides the obvious?" Emma motions to Mary Margaret who is now glowing with her new pregnancy.
"We don't know," Mary Margaret tells  her. "We watched you drive over the town line with Henry, Regina started to cast her spell to take us all back to the Enchanted Forest,  and then...everything went black."
"The next thing we remember is waking up in our beds like it was any other morning in Storybrooke," David continues her story.
"Except, it clearly wasn't," Mary Margaret finishes, referring to her growing stomach.
"Almost harvest time, but you can't remember the planting," Hook says to David. "That's bad luck, mate."
"Clearly a year has passed," Emma ignores Hook. "I was in New York, I know that it did."
"And we don't know where the hell we were," David says. "We don't even know if we left Storybrooke."
"Yeah, you did, we were with you all," I nod to Hook.
"In the Enchanted Forest?" Mary Margaret asks.
"Regina's spell brought us back," Hook confirms. "We spent a brief time with a prince and princess named Phillip and Aurora. Ashton and I ventured off on our own. Last I saw of you lot, you were making your way to Regina's castle."
"And now you're cursed," says Emma. "Why doesn't that surprise me?"
"Regina seems as clueless as the rest of us," Mary Margaret defends. "I'm not sure she was involved in this."
"So she says," Emma remarks.
"I don't understand," David begins. "If you left the Enchanted Forest before the curse, how did you know to find Emma and come to Storybrooke?"
"As I was sailing the realms, a bird landed on my ship's wheel with a note instructing me to retrieve Emma and bring her back here," Hook answers. "There was a small vial of memory potion tied to its leg."
"Who sent it?" Mary Margaret asks.
"I assumed you did," he replies.
"Message via bird- that does sound like you," David tells her.
At this moment, Leroy and two people walk in.
"What is it?" David asks, seeing their worried faces.
"We lost another one," Leroy says. "We're down to five now."
"Four, actually," one of the other people that walked in with Leroy says, "Bashful's not answering."
"Wait," Emma stops them. "What is going on?"
"Thank God you're back, sister," Leroy says.
"It's not just our memories that are missing," Mary Margaret explains. "Ever since we woke up, people have begun disappearing."
Leroy nods, "Whoever cursed us is picking us off one by one."
"Who else is missing?" I ask, worried for Charli and Neal who I have not seen yet.
"Aside from those dwarfs, we're not sure," David says. "There's been a lot of confusion over the past few days. It's been hard to keep track of everyone."
"Wait," Emma says, "Neal-is he here?"
"Well," Mary Margaret says, "we haven't found him yet."
"So he might have been taken, too?" Emma says, looking at the floor.
"Smart money's on yes," Leroy says."
"Leroy!" Mary Margaret protests.
"He'll turn up, Swan," Hook says regretfully. "He always does."
"Some folks are starting to set up camp in the woods at the edge of town," David tells us. "Neal might be there."
"Or he may not have gotten swept up in the curse at all," Mary Margaret says.
"There's only one way we're gonna figure all this out," Emma stands up. "We need to get your memories back."
"How are we going to do that?" Mary Margaret questions.
"By figuring out who took them in the first place."

I have decided there will be a new chapter every Sunday. I know today is Saturday, so you will get another one tomorrow. Thank you for sticking with me, I am finally getting over my writer's block. Love you all!

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