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Grimsby and I grab the spears, one each, and I also carry the sword. I guess we will have to wait and see what kind of reason the island, or the mysterious lady here herself, for sending Grimsby and I to retrieve this flower.
"What exactly kind of powers does this flower have?" I ask Grimsby.
"It can heal any kind of sickness," Grimsby replies. "It used to be in Corona. The Queen there used it to heal herself before giving birth and the flower was reincarnated."
"So the gods moved it here to give this inmate something to spend her time doing. But she wants us to get it now."
"Maybe it's a test."
"Or maybe she's a psycho who wants a healing flower to kill us, bring us back to life, and then kill us again" I suggest. Grimsby looks at me, confused. "Just kidding," I say. He nods and we trek deeper into the greenery.
"How do we know where the center of the island is?" Grimsby asks.
"I don't know. If it's like Neverland then we will be out here for days. But I have more of a feeling that it won't take too long to get there since we are retrieving it for someone."
"What do you think the big obstacle is?" He asks another question.
"Whatever it is, it must be more skill then fighting to beat it."
"What makes you think that?"
"The weapons we were given. Like I said, spears can't do anything unless you want a wild boar and have been practicing for years. One sword, one person has protection. We are going to face something that's not going to be that tough, but it must be clever."
"Like what?"
"Maybe a sphinx," I say.
"That's a good guess," Grimsby says. "Why did Sphinx pop into your head?"
I point up ahead. "Maybe because of that," I say.
"Run," Grimsby whispers and begins to turn around. I begin to follow but before we can run I see the Sphinx turn. It's eyes meet mine and I know we have no choice but to meet it.
"Grimsby," I say harshly. "We have no choice.
"Oh no, no, no," He stutters.
The Sphinx is close and I walk to meet it.
"Are you what guards the flower?" I ask. No answer. "Do you guard the flower?" No answer again. "I swear to G-"
"Do you wish to pass?" The Sphinx looks at Grimsby, ignoring me.
"Y-yes," Grimsby replies.
"If you fail my riddle, you will be killed. Oh, how long it has been since I have dug my teeth into human flesh."
"I'm doing the riddle," I tell the Sphinx. "He's not."
"Very well. If you answer incorrectly, I will kill you."
"Yeah, thanks. I'm very aware of that."
The Sphinx reared up, "What flies when it's born? Lies when it's alive? And runs when it's dead?"
What the bloody hell?
Grimsby looks terrified, and it's obvious figuring out the riddle is up to me.
Flies when it's Born? A bird? But a bird doesn't lie when it's alive! And it certainly does not run when it's dead. Lies... as in lays down or speaks falsely? I guess that is part of the riddle. So, not a bird. I began to think about the flower and I thought about Corona. What was associated with Corona? The queen and king, their daughter that was entrapped for a long while. The flower gave healing powers. Is there a kind of medicine that would fit this? There isn't. What else is associated with Corona? Then I remember a story Smee was so excited to tell one day on the Jolly Roger. One of Corona's now biggest allies, had a period of revolting which led to the whole kingdom almost failing. I knew there was magic involved, the queen and Princess, I seem to remember something about a reindeer...? I did not know the name of the kingdom, but I did know the main reason of the revolting and failing was snow. The whole fjord had been iced over somehow and the kingdom was in despair. Flies when it's born, lies when it's alive, and runs when it's dead. Snow. Snowflake. Ice... Snowflake. Flies when it's born, lies when it's alive, and runs when it's dead.
"Your time is up," the Sphinx says. Grimsby's body is shaking and I know he thinks he is going to die right now without ever seeing this lady or going back home or telling people that he is not crazy.
"I know the answer," I say.
Grimsby still looks scared, but he is slightly less obvious about it. The Sphinx looks smug, thinking he will get another meal without any answer.
"A Snowflake," I answer its question.
"N-" It stops, confused as it processes what I just said. "Yes."
I let out a breath of relief I did not realized I was holding in. The Sphinx moves over and let us pass.
There are a few blooming trees overhanging a neatly plotted piece of land where one flower is growing. I know it is what we want. The flower is golden, glowing slightly with a light yellow-whitish color.
I carefully pulled up the flower and Grimsby and I walk back to the beach, now much closer than before.
When we get to the beach, I sit down on the sand.
"What are you doing?" Grimsby asks me.
"I'm sick of playing to whoever this person is. If they want their flower so bad, they can come get it."
"And they came," a voice says.
Grimsby recognizes the girl.  I know because he says her name.

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