Trust the Creepy Stalker who is actually Pinnochio?

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Disclaimer: all rights to ABC and Odette Beane. Only a few characters are mine.

August and I are back at the coffee shop.
"So why exactly do you need my help and why do you think I will help you?" I ask.
"You'll help me, because a pirate never backs down from treasure and I need your help because..." "Yes?"
"I was supposed to watch over someone when they arrived here in this land. I didn't do that job, so I'm being punished. He pulled up the leg of his pants.
"You're turning to wood?!"
"Why?" I question.
August sighs. "Because I didn't do what I was supposed to do, I wasn't selfless, brave, and true."
"Fine. What can I do to help and what's in it for me?"
"I need you to go somewhere for me. There's a kid there, he believes in fairytales. If you tell him you believe, maybe he'll try harder to 'break the curse'."
I rub my temples. "That makes no sense."
"And it won't until you meet him."
"How do you know about him?" August just smiles.
"A-class stalker," I whisper. "What's in it for me?"
"What do you want?" I think it over and smile.
"You owe me... coffee and your motorcycle."
"Not a chance." He scoffs.
"Ok, then goodb-"
"Fine," August says, sighing.

• • •

"Nice motorcycle," I say, sitting on it and fastening the helmet on my head. August grimaces
. "What's the name of this place?" I ask.
"Storybrooke, really?! That's so obviously obvious."
"It's in Maine. Here's a map."
"A map, really? Haven't you ever heard of google maps?"
"Storybrooke isn't exactly charted. This red dot, is where it should be." He explains.
"Like I said, it's not charted. You're from there, you'll be able to find it, don't worry."
"Yeah, don't worry. Just listen to the creepy guy who was stalking me and is actually Pinnochio. Anything else?" I ask sarcastically. "What do I do once I get the kid to believe?"
"It'll all work out, I hope."
"Can you see the future? Because if so, then that's cool... and very creepy."
"No, I only hope. This might not even work."
"That's a lot of hope," I say. "Will I ever see you again?"
"Maybe. We'll just see how Storybrooke is. Maybe I'll come for a visit," August says. I nod and ride off.

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