Road Pirates

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"Where exactly are we going?" I asked Hook as we rode along the woods.
"Gather a crew. And than find the Jolly Roger."
"Do you really think you're going to find the ship in the entire Enchanted Forest? If a single pirate or thief saw it, they'd steal it without thinking twice."
"I'm counting on that. Get a good fight at the same time as I regain her."
I rolled my eyes. He noticed and smiled slightly.
"Before we go find her, we'll gather the crew back up. And we'll find your mate." Hook said.
"My mate? Devin? He's not my ma- we're not- I'm..."
Hook laughed. "Point is, we'll find him."
"Or find out what happened to him," I said.
Hook looked at me dead in the eyes, "We'll find him, and he will be alive."

We found Smee first, he was looking quite confused and I am pretty sure he was walking in circles when we found him.
"Captain!" He exclaimed when he saw us.
"What are you doing, Smee?" Hook asked.
"I was attempting to find you. I was going the right way too."
"And how many times have you seen this same clearing?"
Smee was quiet for a moment. "Three, I think."
I laughed. Smee was always like this. Oblivious but loyal. And he did this weird thing. Whenever Smee was really nervous, he took off his red beanie type hat and passed it between his hands. Something I had picked up on after many years on the Jolly Roger.
"Where is the rest of the crew?" Hook asked Smee.
"I don't know, Captain. Haven't seen them. But if we start looking we have to find them soon."
"In the Enchanted Forest?" I asked. "This place is huge, especially if someone does not want to be found."
"Ash has a point," Hook said. "We can get a new crew, that's easy enough. What we need first is the Jolly Roger. Then we can worry about hiring a crew."
"Out of all the ports in the Forest, where do you think someone who stole the best ship in the realms would go?" I asked.
"One of the lesser ports, but still a good place to get a drink," Hook replied.
"Great place to start."

I think the rides to each place would be boring so I'm just skipping during those times. I'll tell you when they are by doing this...

*Time skip*

Glowerhaven is on the coast, and has a large port. Not a lot of people go there, even pirates, because the Sirens live right off the coast of the city. When the sailors hear the Sirens, they sail towards them in a trance and crash their ships on the rocks. It is a horrible way to die. But the sailors apparently are completely unaware as they sink to their deaths, too concentrated on the beautiful song of the Sirens. No one has ever heard the song and lived to tell about it. Even if someone did live, they go insane. They will barely be able to eat or think, much less talk. However, this seemed like the most logical place if someone was trying to steal the fastest and prettiest ship in all the realms. No one here would try to steal it because they would only escape to probably be killed by the Sirens. It was a lose-lose situation and everyone here would be pirates and thieves. They would not risk their lives, even for such a costly prize.
"Where are you going to even look?" I asked after we had checked the docks. The Jolly Roger was not docked, but it was much more likely it was a bit down the coast, still close to the town however.
"Most likely whoever stole my ship, if they came here, went East. Which means we'll head that way and look."
"Let's go, then," I said.
"Well, there's no need to rush." Hook said.
"Mmm hmm," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "I saw the bar that way."
Hook smirked, "Now you're catching on."
We walked to the bar, but I did not go in.
"Not coming in?" Hook asked as Smee went ahead in.
"I'd prefer to stay sober right now before we go on a wild adventure to get back the ship."
"Have it your way," Hook said and followed Smee inside. I stayed outside for while, leaning against the bar building when someone joined me.
"Why are you hiding it?" The person asked me. He was an older guy, white beard. He looked slightly deranged and obviously drunk.
I ignored him at first, but he asked again, "Why are you hiding it?"
"Excuse me? Hiding what?"
He was looking at the crystal necklace, so I already knew what he meant.
"Such an evil little thing, yet so useful to someone evil. You don't like it, it's a burden to you."
"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" I asked the man.
"Magic, magic, magic," he sang.
"Who are you?"
"Grimsby the Great?" He said, but it sounded like a question. "No, just Grimsby. Nothing great, nothing great."
"Grimsby? How do you know what I have?"
"I know's a burden. Burden, burden, burden. My fault, the Prince is gone. He's gone, gone, gone."
"Prince? Of Glowerhaven?"
"No, he was going to marry the princess of Glowerhaven and then it fell through. And he's gone now! And it's all my fault!"
"If you know everything then why don't you go get him?"
"He's the only thing I cannot see. It's the one fault. I lost him, and now I can't find him!"
"Wait, if you know everything...and you know who I am, you know I lost someone too."
"Yes...yes! The boy, the young boy. He was with you and another boy! They disappeared...gone, gone, gone," Grimsby muttered.
"Do you know where he is?" I asked, hopeful.
"No, it's hidden...always hidden! But I know how to find him, oh yes! Go to the person who knows it all, and there they will take your call." He was insane.
"Who's the person who knows it all? I thought that was you?" I said.
"No, I can't see it all! I can't even find the Prince!"He said as if it was obvious.
"But who's the person you're talking about?" I asked him. "Can you show me?"
"Of course I can! Do you think I'm some stupid mortal?"
"Y-no. Obviously you're much better. So where is this person?"
"In the cave. On the island."
"Island? this person past the Sirens?"
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes. Have to pass the test to get to it. What's the point of being helpful if you can't cause hardship!" Grimsby laughed.
"Show me. I can get out there to the island, just show me where it is."
"Why do you need to know so badly?"
"Because I need to know how to save Devin."
"Just because you go out to the island does not mean you'll get an answer. Or if the answer will be happy!" He sang.
"It's better than the guesses in my head right now. Just show me, Grimsby."
"Let's go, go, go!"

School is so hectic...but I love writing for you guys so right now I'm working out a plan. Next time I update I will let you know what I decide. I'm going to set one day a week (or two more likely) to update and you can expect an update that day. that way I have a schedule I can follow!! love you all!
Liz xx

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