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Disclaimer: all rights to ABC. Only Ashton and Charli are mine.

so babes, this is he beginning of season two! enjoy!

As the purple mist settled and went away, Emma ran out into the streets. I followed behind her, and Henry slowly getting out of the hospital bed before being told by Dr. Whale that he should take it easy.
I knew that as soon as Dr. Whale went away, Henry would follow anyways, so I went with Emma. She walked quickly down Main Street until we were in front of Granny's. Mary Margaret and David were there, hugging Ruby, Granny, and seven shorter men.
"Now," Mary Margaret said, finishing up her conversation with the short men, "I have to find my daughter."
"So it's true," Emma said, standing in front of Mary Margaret. They all turned to look at Emma.
Mary Margaret reached out and put her hand on Emma's cheek, hugging her.
"You found us," she said softly, a tear running down her cheek. David also hugged Emma.
Henry caught up to us, a smile on his face.
"Grandpa?" He asked, looking at David.
They all laughed.
"Yeah, kid. I suppose so," David said, chuckling.
"She did it," Henry continued. "She saved you."
"She saved all of us," Mary Margaret said.
"I...Well..." Emma began, but one of the guys cut her off.
"Uh, then why are we still here?" He asked.
"That, my friend," David said, "is an excellent question."
One of the other short men sneezed, "And what was that smoke?"
"Who did this?" The oldest of the group asked.
"And what was that smoke?" the same guy asked again.
"And why?"
"And what was that smoke?"
"Magic," Mother Superior said, walking up. "It's here. I can feel it."
"Magic?" I asked. "In Storybrooke?"
"You're the Blue Fairy. Do something magical," Henry said.
"It's not quite that simple, Henry," she replied. "No want. No fairy dust. Matters are complicated now."
"Let's go the person responsible for bringing it," one of them, Leroy, said. "The Queen."
"Yeah!" Everyone agreed.
"Let's go to the queen!"
"Yeah, let's get her!"
"No. Wait," Emma said. "It wasn't Regina."
And I knew she was right. Regina was just as surprised as everyone else, which means there was only one person who would be selfish enough to bring back magic. Rumpelstiltskin.

"Is there anything that you wanted to ask us?" Mary Margaret asked, walking down Main Street with Emma. I was walking behind them with Henry. It kind of surprised me that no one had thought to ask me what I remembered, but I guess everything was kind of hectic right now. And I did not push it, I just wanted my past to be in the past.
"I mean," Mary Margaret continued, "you must have questions."
"The only questions I have are for Mr. Gold," Emma replied. "Why did he double-cross me and what did he do to this town?"
"Uh..." Mary Margaret began awkwardly. "Shouldn't we talk about "it" first?"
"What?" Emma said.
"Us? Your life? Everything?"
"Can we do 'everything' maybe later?" Emma said. "Like with a glass of wine. Or several bottles."
"I know it's a lot to take in," David said, walking a little faster to get next to Mary Margaret. "For all of us."
"And we don't want to push," Mary Margaret added, "but we've waited for this moment for so long..."
"Yeah, so have I!" Emma exclaimed, turning around to face them. "I've thought about this moment my entire life. I've imagined who you might be. But of all the scenarios I concocted, my parents being... I-I just need a little time. That's all."
Mary Margaret did not have a chance to answer as a loud crowd started down the street.
"Snow?" David asked, looking at the crowd.
Archie Hopper was running down the street towards us. "There you are!" He said, panting. "Come with me, I need your help. Dr. Whale's whipped everyone into a frenzy. They're going to Regina's house! They're going to kill her."
"Great," Leroy said. "Let's watch."
"No," Archie said. "No, we cannot stoop to her level. No matter who she is or what she's done, killing her is wrong. "
"He's right," Henry said desperately. "Please! She's still my mom."
Emma looked at Henry piteously. "We have to stop them," she said.
"If the Blue Fairy is right and magic is here," David said, "Regina could have her powers back. They could be marching into a slaughter."
David and Mary Margaret shared a look and we all ran after the crowd. 

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Just as Archie had said, the crowd had gathered outside of Regina's mansion. Dr. Whale was at the head, waving his arms around in frightening gestures, yelling about how Regina was nothing but a low life witch.
As we got close to the rioting people, Dr. Whale knocked on the door, yelling,
"Open up! Open up or we're coming in!" He continued to bang on the door.
Regina opened the door smoothly, smirking as she looked at Whale.
"Can I help you?" She asked.
"That smirk isn't gonna last forever, Regina," Whale said. "You took everything from us. And now..."
"What?" Regina asked sassily. "Now you're gonna kill me?"
"Eventually. But first, you need to suffer."
"Listening to you has been enough suffering for all of us," Regina snapped, walking out of the doorway and towards Dr. Whale. "That's right. You wanted to see your Queen?! Well my dears," Regina paused, pushing back the ends of her jacket dramatically, "here. She. Is!"
As she finished her sentence, she flourished her hands towards the crowd. Everyone gasped, and nothing happened. Regina looked around, bewildered, as the crowd gained their courage again.
"She's powerless!" One man shouted.
"Let's get her!" shouted another. "Don't let her get away!"
"Now," Dr. Whale said, pushing Regina forcefully against one of the columns on her porch, "where were we?"
Just as Whale was putting his hands around Regina's throat, getting ready to choke her, David, Mary Margaret, Henry, and I all ran to the front of the crowd.
"Let her go!" Emma yelled.
"Why should I listen to you?!" Whale questioned, turning to glare at Emma.
"Because we are the only law in Storybrooke," I said. "And right now we would both love to see your ass in jail. Want to try?"
"Emma saved all of you!" David said, turning in a full circle so everyone could hear him.
"And because no matter what Regina did," Mary Margaret said, "it does not justify this!"
"We're not murderers here," Emma said calmly.
"Well, we're not from this world," Whale replied.
"Yeah, well, you're in it now," I said.
"Okay, Whale. We're done," David said, marching up to him.
"Back off!" Whale exclaimed. "You're not my Prince."
"Who are you, Whale?"
"That's my business."
David scoffed. "Well, my business is making sure this town doesn't go to hell, so whether or not I'm your Prince isn't the issue. We have a lot to figure out. And this isn't the way to do it!"
"And Regina's death won't provide any answers!" Mary Margaret exclaimed, moving to stand next to Regina, putting her hands up. "She needs to be locked up. For her safety, and more importantly, for ours."

Okay, so yeah. That's the beginning of season two. Hope you babes enjoy! Hook will be here really soon!

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