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I walk towards the town I left my dad and the crew in. The boat Calypso let me use brought me back to the exact place Grimsby and I set off from. I try my best to remember the way back through the land to the village. It takes me what seems like over an hour to finally see smoke rise from a building and another while to get there. Once I am there, I notice the ambience of the village has changed. There are not people bustling around in the streets. In fact, there is hardly anyone out at all. As I look around, I do not see a single living soul around me. I walk through the empty streets, feeling like a part of them. I find the tavern dad, Smee, and the rest of the crew are in. I walk inside.
The tavern is full despite the empty streets.
Maybe it's a rush hour kind of thing. I hope. I walk around the inside of the tavern but dad is no where around. The man behind the bar is looking lazy and bored with his job right now, but I walk to him.
"Have you seen the crew of pirates that came through yesterday?" I ask.
"Sorry, lass, there haven't been any pirates in here since the Rage."
"Yes, there have. I came with them. Captain Hook."
The colorful moniker of dad's name is knows everywhere. If you do not know who Hook is, you have not paid attention to anything in life.
His face looked confused as I told him this.
"Hook? Did he come in with just one person? Er, fatter one with a red hat?"
"Yes," I reply. "That's them."
"Are you feeling alright, lass?"
"I'm feeling fine. What's wrong? Why are you looking at me so strangely?"
"Well, when someone as famous as Captain Hook comes through the town, you know and remember. The news  last a pretty long time. And the last time he was here was almost a year ago."
"That's not funny."
"I'm not joking," the bartender says, getting aggravated.
"Right...thank you."
I exit the bar.
I thought the time on Calypso's island would be less than the time here. That would make sense. The time would be longer for her to be on the island. Every day would last a year. And then I realize that there are no rules. Calypso's entrapment is controlled by no one, and it does not seem to be a helpful kind of magic.
I need to find my dad. If it's been a year...so much can happen in a year. Where could he be? Is he still here, near this town? Don't be stupid, my mind tells me. He's long gone from this town. And he probably thinks I'm dead. If Smee even told him I had a lead to find Devin... maybe he thinks I just left him. Oh, bloody hell. I need to find him and Smee and the Jolly Roger. Whatever has happened in this time gap, I need to figure out.
I take a horse that is tied up to the tavern wall. Whoever owns this horse clearly does not care that much about him. The horse is not even tied up to stay for a long period of time. Well, I'm just quickening the pace of the horse getting free, I think to myself and take the horse. I have no idea where to look for my dad. I have no idea if he is on land or sea. I do not even know if the Jolly Roger was ever recovered. All I do know is that I need to get back home.
I have no idea where to ride to. I follow the road to the way I believe Regina's castle is. But I am not sure of where anything is. This part of the Enchanted Forest is new to me. I know the sea better than land and right now, my mind is clouded with more then just the worry of finding my way home.

I don't know where I want to take this story next so please hang with me. I want to make sure it's a good plot. I'm going on vacation this weekend which means there probably will not be a update on Saturday but I will try to write while on the plane. Love you.
Liz xx

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