Magic Bad

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Grimsby and I are still out on the boat. We managed to find a good amount of seaweed. Now, the problem is that I have no idea how the bloody hell to use magic and it is up to me to dry out the seaweed that will save our lives.
"I don't even know what will happen if I take this necklace off," I tell Grimsby.
"I guess we will find out," he replies and watches as I slowly take the gem off.
Nothing happens immediately which I guess is a good thing.
"Do you have any idea how I...dry out the seaweed?"
"Just imagine it."
"Right," I sigh. "Imagine it."
I try imagining it. But honestly, its hard to just focus on seaweed when you are in a boat with a crazy, senile man and Sirens in the distance that are about to kill you if you do not focus. I really am trying to do it, but nothing is happening and we are running out of time.
"It is not working!" I exclaim, frustrated.
"Channel your emotion, use the frustration you have right now at yourself and think about drying out the seaweed."
I huff and try again. I guess channeling emotion is my way to do it, because I have many different reasons to be mad, or sad, or happy. And before I know what is really happening, the seaweed is on fire, and so is part of the boat.
"Put water on it," I yell and Grimsby and I use our hands to cup water over the fire. It is a small fire, and it goes out quickly and easily.
"Did the seaweed work?" Grimsby asks. I touch the now light black seaweed.
"Yeah," I say. "I guess it did."
I put the magic resistant gem back on over my head and let out a breath I had not realized I was holding in.
"I am not ever doing that again." Somehow I knew that was not true, though. Because in the five seconds I had used magic, I felt completely in control for the first time in my life.

It takes about an hour and a half to get close to the Sirens. Neither Grimsby or I are talking because we already have put the seaweed in our ears. We are close, close enough that we would have been able to hear the song. But all I hear is silence. We are okay. The Sirens are beautiful. And I see that the sailors did not only drown because they are lured by the song. The Sirens take whatever form you want to see according to the myths. And they do, even for me.
Grimsby closes his eyes as we pass and he turns away but I still see he is crying. I guess he sees the Prince or whoever is important to him. When we get by the Sirens, I still do not see any island.
"Where is it?" I mouth to Grimsby. We both still have the seaweed in, worrying that the reach of the Sirens is still looming over us.
"Keep going," he mouths back and we continue out in the boat. Once we can barely see the Sirens except for small dots in the distance, we take the seaweed out.
"There's no sign of an island," I say.
"We have to run into it, it's protected so only brave people can find it," Grimsby replies.
At this point, I am tired, hungry, hot from the sun, and thirsty. There is no island, and we are so far out from the land it will already take the rest of the day and half of the night to get back.
"Grimsby, it may be time to go back. There's no sign of any island, the ocean is bloody huge. We could be out here all day looking for an island that we don't even know if it exists in the first place."
"Go that way," he says, ignoring what I said and pointing to the left of the boat.
"Why?" I ask. "Do you see something?"
"Just sail that way," he repeats and I turn the boat to go the way Grimsby says.
"There's nothing out here," I say again. "We should turn back. I can find another way to g-"
"I need to find this island," Grimsby says desperately. "I have nothing left to live for, nothing to lose but if I don't find it what will my life have been worth when I die?!"
I sigh. "Twenty more minutes," I tell him. "If we don't find it, I'm going in."
"Deal," he replies. "Keep sailing left."
We keep sailing until I know it has been longer than the allotted time.
"I'm going back," I tell Grimsby. He slouches back against the side of the boat and puts his head down.
I feel bad, but it is getting late and the sharks here are not fun to be up against, especially with such a small boat. Plus, there are mermaids, mermen, giant squids, and other dangers. I turn the boat to the left to turn around and head back towards the shore.
"Look!" Grimsby exclaims and points to the right of the boat. About 15 feet away there is a small island of sand.
"It's probably just a sandbar," I say.
"Just go to it," he says. I turn the boat and sail to the small patch.
"It's just a sandbar," I say again. Grimsby did not listen, and hopped out of the boat to stand on the island. Of course, it was not just a sandbar.
"Bloody hell," I say as this kind of archway appears in front of where Grimsby is standing. It is a type of portal I know, but it is not the same concept as a bean. A bean takes you anywhere and can take bigger things through, such as ships. But portals like this are used to transport smaller things, usually just for people. They appear mainly as mirrors and door like structures. Through the small archway I can see the island. And it is everything Grimsby said it is.
"Well, let's go through," I say to Grimsby and I exit the boat. We walk through the archway and onto the island.

Saturday update is up! Hope you enjoy.
Love you guys.
Liz xx

Hook's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora