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Back at my apartment, I spend the day cleaning the rest of the mess in my rooms. Emma tells me Mary Margaret's baby is on the way, and I tell her to let me know if I can help in any way. She thanks me, and I hang up the phone. My fingers keep going to the necklace controlling my magic. I have not taken it off since the day I got it. Rumpelstiltskin told me the magic will keep growing, even while I wear the necklace. I wonder what would happen if I take it off, and my hand seems to want to try the idea. I take the necklace about halfway off and pause, questioning myself. I do not know anything about magic, besides that it ruined my childhood and relationships. And it never helped me. Of course I think about trying to find Charli with it. I still do not know where she is. If I take off the necklace, maybe I can start working towards finding her. At least I know where Devin is. I know I can not reach him right now. But Charli...I can still get to her possibly. In a moment's decision, I take off the necklace. I know immediately that was a huge mistake because my fire alarm goes off.
"Oh, bloody hell," I stand up and grab a hand towel from the closet before hitting the fire with it. The fire was small, and I put it out easily. I look at the crystal necklace and put it back on. But I knew I had paused. Because that feeling that started the fire, the raw power. I had fallen in love with it in seconds. It felt so good to feel like I could conquer anything. I start to take the necklace off again, but my phone rings.
"Zelena has the baby," Emma says as soon as I pick up, not waiting for a greeting.
"Where is she?" I ask.
"We don't know yet," she says. "Come to the hospital."
I get there quickly.
"What's going on?" I ask when I go into the waiting room and see everyone there. David looks worried, Emma looks tired, Hook and Regina look hopeless.
"I couldn't stop her," Emma says. "I failed."
"We're all still here so you haven't failed just yet," Hook says.
"Hook's right," says David. "Come on."
"No, wait," Emma says sadly. "Zelena took my magic."
"How the hell did that happen?!" Regina questions.
Emma looks down. "Doesn't matter how. It just happened," she says. "We need to find another way to stop her."
"There is no other way," Regina states.
"That's not true," Henry says suddenly. "You can do it."
"Sweetheart, I don't think I can survive round three with my sister," says Regina.
"Glinda was pretty specific," adds David. "Only the purveyor of the strongest light magic can defeat her."
"Zelena only beat you because you were using dark magic against her," Henry explains.
"But, that's all I have," Regina replies.
"No, it's not," Emma says. "When you kissed Henry, that was true love's kiss. That's light magic."
"See?" Henry says. "You can do it."
"Henry, I don't even have my heart right now," says Regina.
"That doesn't matter," Henry tells her. "You broke the curse without it, and I know you still love me. I know there's good in you."
Robin Hood walks around the corner. "He's right," Robin says. "I know you can beat that witch."
"But I don't-" Regina starts.
Emma interrupts, "You have to."
"Once upon a time, you were a villain, mom," Henry says. "But you've changed. You're a hero now. And defeating bad guys is what heroes do. I believe in you. Now, you need to believe, too."
We arrive at the scene just as Zelena is standing in the middle of a dirt symbol, causing different colored magic to swirl around her as she raises a wand.
"It isn't over yet," says David.
"And who's gonna stop me?" Zelena asks. "Certainly not the savior."
"Go," Emma says to David, motioning towards Mary Margaret's newborn. "Get him." She turns to Regina. "We've got your back."
"And I've got your heart," Robin says.
"Zelena, stop now," Regina says. "We're not gonna let you succeed."
Zelena chuckles. "Rid me of those pests," she tells Rumpelstiltskin, and causes Robin and David to fly against a wall with her magic.
"Please," Hook says somewhat jokingly towards Rumpelstiltskin. "No more water."
"Get the dagger," Rumpelstiltskin says. "Then the Dark One will be on your side." Emma's gun goes flying out of her hand.
"Easier said than done," Emma says.
"Do as I say, or I will destroy you all," he tells us. "I have no choice!"
"Come for another beating, sis?" Zelena asks Regina at the same time.
"No," Regina replies. "I came for some jewelry."
Regina lunges at Zelena, but she also gets knocked back against the wall. Robin and David finally get back up.
"Beautiful one, if you will," Zelena says, motioning for her flying monkey to get Robin and David.
"Remember, these creatures are our friends," Robin yells out.
"Don't worry," David tells him. "I'll use a gentle touch."
"Unfortunately, that's not an option for me," Gold says as David gets thrown against the wall again. Zelena lifts her hand and Regina also is lifted, choked by an invisible force.
"Only light magic can harm me," Zelena says, laughing. "And you're as dark as they come. It was your destiny to be this way, and it will also be your undoing!"
"Don't tell me what I can be!" Regina chokes out.
"I tried to be good once," Zelena tells us. "But it wasn't in the cards. This is who I am, and it's who you are!"
"You're wrong, sis," Regina says strongly, and spreads her palms away from her. Whitish light comes from Regina's hands, and she aims it towards Zelena.
"What are you going?" Zelena says worriedly.
"Changing," Regina smirks.
Zelena falls back as the light magic hits her, and the Dark One dagger goes flying from her hand. Regina walks with confidence towards Zelena, who is sprawled out on the ground.
"What?!" Zelena exclaims. "How?"
"I make my own destiny," Regina tells her, and Zelena's power leaves her as Regina rips off Zelena's necklace. The swirls of color that had enveloped the symbol in the dirt disappears. As a flying monkey swoops down upon David, it changes back to the friendly form of Little John.
"Little John, you're back!" Robin says, running to him. David goes to the ground where his and Mary Margaret's baby is crying.
"Is the baby okay?" I ask.
"Yeah," David smiles. "He can handle anything."
"You failed," Regina tells Zelena. "You're not going anywhere."
"I beg to differ," Rumpelstiltskin says, and waves his hand to cause Zelena to drag along the ground towards him. "I'm gonna make you pay for everything you've done to me," he says cruelly.
"What are you waiting for?" Zelena asks. "Just do it!"
"With pleasure," Rumpelstiltskin says, but his hand catches as Regina yells,
"No!" She holds up the Dark One dagger. "Enough. This ends now."
"After everything this witch has done..." Rumpelstiltskin snaps. "You're gonna protect her?"
"Good magic stopped her," Regina says. "And good magic doesn't exact vengeance."
"She killed my son!" Rumpelstiltskin yells.
"How many lives have we taken trying to get what we want?" Regina asks him.
"You can't be serious," says Rumpelstiltskin.
"I am," Regina replies. "Heroes don't kill."
Zelena scoffs, "So now you're a hero?"
"Today, I am," Regina smiles.

New update every Sunday.

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