Chapter 32 - Meltdown

Start from the beginning

His voice faltered as he intensely cried, "This is not supposed to be happening. No... no... no... It can't be... Ah-God! Mother... no."

The image of her mother trembling in fear and uncontrollably wailing was still clear in his mind. He heard voices telling him, "You did it all, Jack. What are you going to do now? They're all gone. No one's going to help you. Everybody hates you."

It talked to him like it was his alter ego.

He yelled, "Get out! Stop! You're lying! It's not me! I did it to be safe. I just protected myself!"

But the voices seemed to annoy him more, whispering words he didn't want to hear. He screamed more loudly and began throwing things from his apartment.

Alice was lying in her bed that night, still raving mad about what happened. She couldn't believe Jack would cheat on her.

All she ever thought was that he has just always been a ball of energy, the type that simply can't stay home, sit in a chair and do nothing that's why he's always out. She thought that it was his eagerness to learn and achieve more stems from the financial hardships that he experienced in his childhood. She never knew he was out womanizing.

She should have thought of it sooner, that the karma will soon catch up to her. It was an immense pain in her chest that she had to bear.

She thought, "I deserve this."

He cheated on her with a friend that she was always suspicious of and she was very stupid to believe his lies. She felt weak and small.

It was the dishonesty that ruins most of the relationships. She wanted to punch him and hurt him back to make him feel how much it hurts for her but she can't because deep down, she still cares for him.

Her heart was torn apart. The heartbreak was unexpected, as they always were. The devastation she felt was absolute.

She was sickened by the thought of him and Morrie in the same bed. She didn't want to imagine the sexual details or how many times they have done it. She hated his guts for lying to her face and she hated herself because she couldn't hate him just enough to abhor him.

Jack had done good things to her and she can't just dismiss that. He was there when she needed someone to protect her. He brought comfort to her when she felt like her life was falling apart. He let her into his world when nobody ever can. They shared their vulnerabilities like trading cards. And though there were things in life that she wanted to give up, Jack was never on her list.

Then she heard a loud bang from Jack's apartment. She heard the noises that seemed to be breaking objects, along with screams coming from his room. Her body automatically detected it as danger.

She panicked and instantly thought that he was being attacked.

She thought that Jack was now after Jorge, considering the fact that they were together a lot and he might have seen him with her, so to clear the coast for an unchallenging approach to the target which was her, he had to get rid of him. She had it all in her mind like she was able to foresee what happened.

She was frightened but she got up in her bed quickly and grabbed a taser, provided by the police as a weapon, in case of another attack.

She bravely went out of her apartment and rang his doorbell but the noises were gone this time.

She couldn't take away the idea that he must be hurt or worse, lying on the floor now and fighting for his life.

She didn't know his passcode. She couldn't break in. She didn't know what to do. All she knows is that she had to hurry before he dies.

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