129: The Snap

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Part two of baby Barnes
Idea from sebbyxmarvelxedits

In the couple months after you told Bucky that you were pregnant, the two of you moved to Wakanda. Bucky hoped that King T'Challa and princess Shuri would be able to help his mind and get rid of all the things HYDRA did to him.

You're now 18 weeks along in the pregnancy, almost halfway through. You're now comfortable with telling your friends and close family about it.

Bucky is currently on a video call with Steve, excited to tell him the news.

"(Y/n) is pregnant!" He exclaims.

"Congratulations, Buck. I'm happy for you both.." Steve says. "Listen, I hate to go, but somethings up with Vision and Wanda.. Nat, Sam, and I are going to check it out.."

Bucky heads out to the field, where he helps feed the animals and loads the carts with hay.

You look up, and see the King and his helpers walking towards you.

One of the servants places a metal case down and opens it.

"Where's the fight?" Bucky asks, looking at the metal arm sitting in the case.

"On its way," King T'Challa says.

Bucky closes his eyes, and walks away from the case. You close the case and grab it, bringing it back to your home.

"Bucky... They need you."

"I know.. But I don't want to leave you."

"Nothing will happen, James. You'll be fine, I promise. The world is in trouble. You need to help. I love you."

"I love you too."


"Steve?" You ask, walking out of your home after the fight.

Steve looks towards you, tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry."

You fall to your knees. "He's gone?"

Steve doesn't reply. He looks away from you for a moment, a sob slipping through his lips. 

"(Y/n)... Come back to New York with us.. We'll explain everything then..." Natasha tells you.

Don't hate me 😂

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