Chapter 23

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Chapter 23-

'He said, "She's got a method of killing

Pulling you in like you're gonna start kissing

Fooling around, until you lost all feeling

Sucking your blood until your heart stops beating."

Before we started it was over

I feel our bodies getting colder

She gives me a feeling that I can't fight

And it's the road that leads to nowhere

But all I wanna do is go there

She's got me running from the daylight



§•Amber's POV•§

Nash grabs my arm, and drags me into the empty kitchen.

"What?" I ask him.

"I need your help to kill Luke and Ashton." Nash says.

"I'll handle Luke, you figure something out for Ashton." I say. This isn't gonna happen today, obviously. Maybe in a few weeks, once we've convinced the others that they are evil. Gosh, now I have to plan out how to kill Luke. Eh, I'll deal with it later.

"Hey Nash?" Lexi asks, walking in. She notices me, and smiles at me. I smile back. I honestly have no problem with her, just the fact she's dating Ashton.

"Uh, yeah?" Nash asks.

"Why do you hate us?" Lexi asks. Nash freezes. Wow, he doesn't even have a valid reason.

"Um, cause your boyfriends friend could've killed my brother, and your boyfriend attacked me." Nash says.

"Just give us a second chance, please? Luke wasn't purposely trying to kill Hayes." Lexi says.

"Yeah, but still, do you see my face?" Nash asks. He kinda has a bruised... everything.

"Can I heal you?" Lexi asks. Nash hesitantly nods. Lexi approaches him, and lightly touches his face. His bruises start fading, and the cuts disappear.

"Th-thanks." Nash stutters. Gosh. You can't hate someone if you like them. Idiot.

"No problem. Now will you give us another chance? Please!" Lexi begs. Nash smiles.

"Sure, I guess." Nash nods.

"Good! Now stop planning to kill my boyfriend, lets go!" Lexi smiles, pretending she didn't say that. Nash shakes his head, smiling. Idiot.

"Fine." Nash rolls his eyes. We follow Lexi into the gaming room, where everyone is playing FIFA.

"Yes! Nash doesn't hate us anymore!" Maddy cheers, running up to hug Nash.

"Yeah, I guess I overreacted a little." Nash says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, a little." Hayes says.

"Oh shut up." Nash rolls his eyes.

"And Hayes." I start. He looks over at me.

"You fucking melted that guy?! That's fucking disgusting!" I exclaim. The others all start laughing, besides me and the part of MAGCON that's here.

"Hey, that guy tried to kill me!" Maddy defends. Niall wraps an arm around her waist, and kisses her forehead.

"Yup, and we took care of that, didn't we?" Niall grins at her.

We're Just Different (One Direction/5SoS superhero fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now