Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 -

'So tell me what else can I do

I bought my fake ID for you

She told me to meet her there

I can't afford a bus fare

I'm not old enough for her

I'm just waiting till I'm 18

You've got me waiting in a queue

For a bar I can't get into

I'm not old enough for you

I'm just waiting till I'm 18'


A/N: again italics are what humans are saying

§•Snickers'(Louis' kitten) POV•§

Revels is crazy, hiding in plain sight. I'm smart enough to hide under the couch. My head is sticking out, so I can watch everything. Revels is so mean! Not Milky anymore. That's horrible! Yet, hilarious. Even Zayn was laughing, and it's his cat!

"Um, Niall's going upstairs." Aero says. I jump up, and bolt up the stairs. The others meet me there, as we watch him approach his room. He opens his door and freezes. He starts coughing, as he walks in, out of our view.

"REVELS!" Niall yells, storming out of his room. We all bolt, going to different hiding places. I hide behind Louis, who is laughing at us. I hiss, and scratch him in the back, with my claws. He grits his teeth, and stops laughing.

"How do you know it was Revels?" Luke asks, protecting his kitten.

"No one else can carve walls!" Niall exclaims.

"Um, Jr. can." Liam points out. Jr. hisses at Liam. Niall looks over at Jr., looking him in the eyes. Jr. meows innocently, and our mouths drop.

"Go look at my room!" Niall exclaims, pointing up the stairs. Luke and Liam share a look, and head up to his room. Louis goes up as well, carrying me with him. Why would you do that?! Luke carried Revels up too though, so I'm not alone. And of course me and Revels were the ones that trashed his room.

"Revels, did you do this?" Luke asks Revels, looking at him disappointed. Revels and I both start laughing, earning strange looks from Luke and Louis.

"Snickers, no one else can create smoke..." Louis trails off, looking at me.

"Did you guys prank Niall?" Liam asks Revels and I. We meow, nodding.

"Who's idea was it?" Niall asks, looking ready to kill.

"Don't you dare!" Hershey yells. We smirk at each other. I jump onto Liam's head, and sit down.

"It wasn't me!" Liam defends. Think, think about it.

"HERSHEY!" Niall yells, hunting down the poor kitten.

"It wasn't him! It was all of them! It's signed "The Kittens"!" Liam yells, chasing after the younger boy. I jump onto Louis' head, before I fall down.

"At least you guys didn't prank me." Louis laughs. Revels and I lay our ears back. He pulls me off his head, looking me in the eye.

"You didn't." He says. I squirm out of his grip, and Revels and I bolt down the stairs. Technically, I didn't do anything to his room, besides roast a few carrots, and Revels only carved the wall.

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