Chapter 8

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Fetus 5SoS are so adorable aren't they????

Chapter 8-

'She sleeps, alone

my heart wants to come home

I wish I was, I wish I was

Beside you

She lies, awake

I'm trying to find the words to say

I wish I was, I wish I was

Beside you'

-Beside You-(5SOS)

§•Alexis' POV•§

I wake up with a pounding headache. Well, they did warn us. I hear movement from around me, and groan. They are so loud! I cover my ears with my hands, and keep my eyes shut tightly.

"Alexis, you might want to get into the bathroom before you puke." Somebody says. My head hurts so much, I couldn't tell who it was. I groan as they lift me up and carry me somewhere. I open my eyes, and get instantly blinded by brightness.

"Ow." I groan. They sit me down in the bathroom, and I look up to see who it is. Oh it's Harry. Soon Zayn carries Maddy in here as well. I soon feel extremely sick, and puke into the toilet. After I finish puking, I'm brutally shoved out of the way by Maddy.

"Here." Harry says, handing me water and a pill. I swallow the pill and drink the water. Maddy soon does the same, as Zayn gives her a pill.

"So how do we know if it worked?" I ask.

"Well, try to change into an animal." Harry says. Hm what should I be? Oh I know, I'll be a tiger! I picture myself as a tiger, and soon I am a tiger. I wonder if I still speak English.

"Hehe it worked!" I say. Yep, I can.

"That is extremely cool." Zayn says, about to touch me.

"This bathroom is fricken tiny." I say, trying to move. I change into a kitten, and walk out. A kitten walks up to me, and bursts into flames. I turn human again, and fall backwards.

"Jezum crow!" I exclaim, hand on my heart.

"Snickers! Don't scare people!" Louis yells.

"Wow, scared by a kitten." Harry says smirking.

"I'm sorry, but I was nose to nose with it!" I exclaim.

"It's a him!" Louis yells. I become a dog, and bark at Snickers. He freaks out and runs away. I unmorph and start laughing.

"Hey, give me your arm." I say to Harry. He holds it out, and I become a tiger again. I bite him, and he screams in pain.

"What the hell!" He yells, holding his arm in pain. I return to human form, and touch his arm. It immediately heals and I grin.

"This is fricken awesome!" I exclaim.

§•Maddy's POV•§

After I take my pill, and let it kick in, do I grin. I have fricken superpowers!

"Zayn move over there." I say, pointing to out of the doorway. He steps aside, and I grin. I turn invisible, and walk through the door. I go into their living room, and come up behind Louis. I tap him on the shoulder, and he looks around.

"Go away Maddy." He says after finding nobody.

"Aw! Party pooper!" I say, turning visible.

"Go try it on Liam. He's in the kitchen." Louis says, pointing to the next room over. I grin, and go in there, invisible. I smack him on the head lightly, and he looks around.

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