Chapter 13

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Chapter 13-

'I've never told a lie,

and that makes me a liar,

I've never made a bet,

but we gamble with desire,

I've never lit a match

with intend to start a fire,

but recently the flames,

are getting out of control.

Call me a name,

Kill me with words,

Forget about me,

It's what I deserve,

I was your chance,

to get out of this town,

but I ditched the car,

and left you to,'

-Jasey Rae-(All Time Low)

§•Michael's POV•§

We all sit there, still on the roof, trying to pick names.

"Oh I know!" Ashton suddenly exclaims.

"Twix!" He says, holding up his kitten.

"Ok." Lexi nods. They are so gonna date.

"I'm gonna name mine Smarties." Calum states.

"Oh, so the opposite of what you are?" Luke asks him. He glares at him, and try's to hit him. Luke makes him fall away with a forcefield, also pushing the rest of us a few inches away.

"Jerk." Calum mutters.

"Hey, you guys know that candy Revels, right?" Luke asks us.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"No, what is it?" Lexi asks.

"It's an Australian candy." Luke says.

"Oh." Lexi nods.

"Is that what you're gonna name yours?" Calum asks Luke.

"Yup." Luke says, nodding. They all look at me.

"You all know the candy Aero, right?" I ask.

"Yeah." They nod.

"Well, now you know the cat." I grin, holding up my kitten.

"Do you have a kitten?" Ashton asks Lexi. We all look at her.

"Nope, neither does Maddy." She says.

"Why not?" I ask her.

"I want a puppy." She grins. That'll end well.

"A puppy that can change into different animals and heal people. That's different." Ashton says.

"Um, I believe your cat is the one with super strength." Lexi says back to him.

"I wonder if he can carry me." Ashton says, questioningly, looking at his kitten. It hisses and runs away. That worked. I look at my cat.

"Can you like bring the others through the ceiling inside?" I ask Aero. He meows. That's a yes.

"Bring all of our cats, just us four, bring them inside." I say. He then trots away, his little tail swaying side to side.

We're Just Different (One Direction/5SoS superhero fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now