My info...

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Guess what guys??

That was 10 years ago. I moved away from that bitch. She fucking cruel dude. I've changed my ways a lot as well. I live with my dad and he has full custody. My mom was crazy once I turned 10. I'll tell you hut lemme tell you bout my self first. Dang!!

I'm now a tomboys ish, girly ish person. I dress like a boy and play like a boy. But, I look like a girl and act like a girl. The only thing is I talk like a boy and girl. I have three bestfriends. Tancey, Hedrick, and Domestic. A girl that's just like me and goofy ass boys.

Ight so my mom, when I turned 10, started doing crazy shit. She sold most of my stuff for drugs. One day her boyfriend came over and raped me. Almost though cause that was the day my dad was getting me cause it was his weekend to get me. Her boyfriend was all over me, eating me out and shit like that. But when he was about to put his tip in me my dad busted in the room with my mom crying and punched ole dude everywhere while I was getting myself dressed up again.

My mom told me to drink some water to calm myself down. I was thinking that she should drink so her ass would calm down. I drunk that water and after that I was Blank. When I woke up I was in the hospital with an IV in my arm and hearing the heart rater. I looked around and saw my dad on the couch-bed sleeping. Weeks later I found out my mom drugged the water. Right now I have trust issue. It's real. Not like these bitches,

"I have serious trust issue so don't fuck wit me" they say. But bitch you then have sex, get pregnant, and want your baby daddy by your side. You said you had trust issue bitch? Exactly.

I can never trust my mom after that shit. Matter of fact, I can't even see or speak to her ass until she get her life together and apologizes. I don't hold grudges but if she apologizes then I will forgive but won't forget. But for now, I'm not forgiving but forgetting her ass.

Anyways my dad made me move in with him and my brothers because he says it's too much drama for me as well. He said that with all boys in the house, they can protect me. Yeah yeah!! He told me that when I was 8 he was coming to take me and my mom out. He then saw me knocked out in my moms arms on the sidewalk. He said that she was pleading someone to take me. As he walked up to us he grabbed my moms arm put her in the car and shot the nigga that was about to take me away for life. He told my mom if she don't act right he taking custody. She only got her act together for only 2 years then started back again.

My dad spoils me as much now. I get it too cause he is a drug pin. Lemme rephrase that. He is the drug LORD of our streets. No one knows that im his daughter and he wants to keep it that way until I get someone, which I probably won't. He trust me but remember I have trust issues so I trust him a little bit. I know what the fuxk YALL thinking but stfup manee. My dad is half of my heart cause I still gotta a little piece for my mom. The other piece is for my bestfriends. No one else can get any other piece. It's like sharing a cake.

Your dad gets the big piece, the mom has the smallest piece, and your bestfriends, which are your brothers as well, just get slices.

I really ain't had a boyfriend since the sixth grade, and I hope I won't get one anytime soon. Keyword "HOPE". I don't need one ever since my last one. And hope it's my last.



😱Of course shit goes down when it's a billion dollars on the elevator.., 💵Of course shit goes down when it's a billion dollars on the elevator.💸🚪


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