Chapter Forty Three

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The snow was coming down lightly as I watched it fall outside my window. I think that it was one of the few things I had missed most when I moved in with Aunt Gina last year - the snow. I sighed as it danced in various directions but always going to down eventually.

It was Christmas. Dad and Aunt Gina were downstairs preparing dinner, but they had refused my help since Tyler told them how atrocious I was in the kitchen. Although I was grateful for my Aunt Gina coming to town for Christmas, it didn't help the hole in my chest from missing Tristan. It was going to be my second Christmas without him. I couldn't believe it was only two years. It felt like a million.

A plate crashed downstairs and I heard my father swear while my aunt laughed at him, most likely relishing in the fact that he is worse than me in the kitchen. I stood from my bench that was pressed up against the window and padded over to my door, going to see if everything was alright.

Luckily, my aunt hollered up the stairs. "Dinner is ready, sunshine!"

I swung open my door and met my father and aunt in the dining room. I nearly stumbled backward at what was in front of me. They had decorated the dining room to the nine, as if a mall santa was supposed to dine with us. Not to mention the picture perfect feast that was splayed out in front of us. "Woah."

"We figured we should go big or go home," Dad grinned but then frowned. "But we are home, so did we really go big?"

Aunt Gina rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Clarke."

I laughed as I seated myself and Dad made me a plate. Once he was done, he placed in front of me with a kind smile. "Merry Christmas, JuJube."

"Merry Christmas Dad," I reply, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Have you tried out that tablet I got you?"

Dad chuckled with a shake of his head. "Nah, but Aunt Gina had no problem setting it up. It'll be good to take with me on my business trip though."

My heart sunk. I forgot. He had another business trip and he was leaving tomorrow, with Aunt Gina. Pushing my disappointment to the side, I smile. "Well, I'm glad it'll be of good use."

"What about the laptop I got you? Or the television your father bought you? Have you put those to use yet?" Aunt Gina piped up. "They'll be good for you when you move to NYU."

I nodded my head. Despite most Christmases being minimal in my house, this year Dad and Gina went all out, claiming they were simply buying me the essentials I'd need for next year. "The laptop is updating and the T.V is great."

Aunt Gina smiled triumphantly. "Good."


The next day, instead of shopping my day away like I usually would on Boxing Day, I stood at the airport, embracing Aunt Gina and my father as we said our goodbyes. Gina promised to be back in June, to celebrate my birthday and my graduation, whereas my father would be back in a week.

"Just one week, I promise," Dad said, "Then, I shouldn't be going anywhere else for at least a month, if not two."

I nodded my head. "It's okay, Dad, really."

Dad brought me in for another hug. "See you soon, JuJube. Be safe."

"I love you, kiddo," Aunt Gina added, pulling me into a hug as well.

Once we were done our goodbyes and they went up the escalators, I turned on my heel, taking my Dad's car home.

On the drive home, I blasted music to eliminate the silence. The last thing I wanted was to be in silence. I stopped by a Wendy's drive through and devoured my chicken burger and fries in record time. A dinner of champions, my father always said. I kept going and by the time I got home, it was ten p.m.

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