"Not fair, if I don't get to do that you don't either." He shook his head disapprovingly and I let what my neck actually looked like come back.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. It wasn't my place," My voice wasn't steady and my shoulders shook. After all this time am I still really scared of him?

He won't do anything, he's a nice guy. He doesn't get angry and even if he was he wouldn't hurt me. He might beat me if I do something I shouldn't but he'd never whip me.

And he'd have to be really angry to hit me. He's not like that. He's not like the others.

"Hey, hey, hey. Not what I meant!" Something gently brushed my arms causing me to snap out of it.

"S-sorry. I'm fine," Wiping my eyes I gave him a shaky smile.

After making sure I looked okay with it Derik wrapped me up in a hug.

"It's okay, I'm not mad." He gently rubbed my back and my heart slowly went back to normal.

"I know, let's go get breakfast." Keeping one arm around his waist I walked to the kitchen with his arm around my shoulders. I moved my hair to cover as much my neck as possible.

When we got to the table I'd run out of breakfasts to order, it felt like I'd already ordered everything. Ordering hash browns and toast with jam I noticed the slaves didn't seem as scared of me as they used to. They probably just got used to me.

Which was nice.

Sitting down at the table I waited patiently with Derik for them to finish. I set my hand on my neck and leaned into it like I was resting my head incase Adam and Blake got here soon.

Derik was fortunately wearing a dress shirt with the collar popped up and followed my lead shortly before Adam walked in. A tiny little bruise was under his jaw and Blake wore a large scarf.

I tried not smirk at them, no really I did.

"Well don't you two look chipper for so early in the morning?" Adam smirk at us.

"Like you don't feel high after the half-moon," I retorted, which would have been so much more convincing if Derik didn't look embarrassed.

I rolled my eyes and then looked pointedly at Blake's scarf which got rid of the smug look on his face and made him turn a light shade of red.

Unaware of our silent conversation Blake sat down at the table and ordered some food. It was a comfortable silence like we were all old friends. Until I realized that Adam didn't know why I needed to keep who I was a secret.

"So... how trustworthy is this cousin of yours?" I asked slowly.

"Well he's pretty good at saying less than he knows. People think he's dumb and immature because he wants them to underestimate him. Why?" Adam sounded pretty confident in his cousin.

I sent a worried glance in Derik's direction.

"She wants to know if she should go as herself or not. She's overly concerned about ruining her father's name so she tries to make sure no one that might have known her father sees her." I gave Derik a grateful look and he gently rested his hand on my thigh.

"Well you could just say your dad wanted a powerful child since hybrids are more powerful," Adam commented.

"Only a few vampires would approve of that, and even they would think a hybrid child should be in the background, unknown." I shook my head a little just thinking about people's reactions.

"Well you don't have to worry about anyone finding out through him, if anything he'll find it amusing." Adam stated with an unbothered face.

"Well, I'd like to get started if no one objects. We have a lot of work to do, overthrowing the system and all." Getting back the usual confidence I had when something important happens I stood up from the table.

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