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Another man in a black suit tugged me into another 'pet shop' for what was probably the fifth time. It was still pretty new to me but I'd settled into a routine. Get to a new shop, access the owner, give him a taste of our life.

I'd become the monster that I was assumed to be and I just watched it happen.

But there are monsters worse than me, the vendors. Some of them aren't bad enough I don't think they can't change but some are. Some have done some things I can't risk happening again.

But I'd decided that they had it coming to them and made sure everyone knew it. Some people had even given me a nickname 'Karma' and I was happy to let them call me that, it was better than 'bitch' after all. Hell I'd told them it was my name since I didn't want my real one on file.

"You sure you want this one, she's got a screw loose, calls herself Karma and kills her vendors." The man in the black suit asked another vendor I'd probably spend no more than three days with.

"Oh, I'm sure, I've got big plans for this one." Some greasy guy behind the counter answered with a wicked grin.

"Your funeral, man."

The man in the black suit handed my leash to the vendor and then my file and left without another word. The vendor threw my file carelessly onto his desk and tugged me into a room filled with cages and pets.

All of the usual smells assaulted my senses, blood, urine, sweat but there was one that shocked me. Burnt flesh.

Every cage had a button on the side and the cages were obviously hooked up to electricity. I growled loudly.

"Oh shut up bitch. There ain't shit you can do about it." That did not make my growling better.

He shoved me into an empty cage and I snarled at him.

Volts jerked through my body and the bottoms of my feet exploded in pain. He held the button smiling at me for the longest five seconds of my life.

When it stopped I grabbed the door of the cage and squeezed it until it bent. I heard him gulp and smiled at him all fangs. I would not let him do this to the girls in here, no one deserved to be treated like this. Well except him.

He left the room and I slowly calmed down after braking my collar. Once I stopped growling I noticed the girl next to me looked like she wanted to say something.

She was pretty, blond curly hair, green eyes, and a bright smile. She was also a werewolf judging from the orange anklet she wore.

"Hi, I'm Rosie! What's your name?" I'd heard about some pets still being cheery but it was a shock to see her seem so alive considering this might be the worst shop I've ever seen.

"I'm Fall," I smiled at her.

"Are you a hybrid, I've never met a hybrid before!" She looked excited and wrapped her fingers around the bars between us.

"I am," We chatted for a while before the vendor came back. Rosie fell silent and her smile disappeared. She hid in the corner of her cage far far away from the vendor.

"Which one of you lovelies wants to keep me company tonight?" My eyes widened a bit at his words, that had never happened at my other shops. Especially if the girl had done nothing wrong.

"How about you, I don't think I've touched you yet." He walked up to Rosie's cage and started opening it.

"Don't touch her," A loud growl echoed in my chest.

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