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Derik's POV

I opened the bathroom door quietly trying not to wake up Fall. Apparently not quiet enough as she jerked from her sleep so quickly it broke the headboard. Ouch.

I winced a little just thinking about how much breaking the sturdy oak headboard must have hurt but she just stared at me with panicked glowing eyes.

Her heart raced in her chest and she was practically hyperventilating. Tears streamed down her face in a way that broke my heart. She looked absolutely terrified.

I can't tell you how bad that terrified look hurt me. It wasn't even necessarily in my direction and I felt like my heart ripped in two. My throat burned and tightened and my eyes stung and strained.

And for some stupid reason I felt guilty for not making her feel safe. I rose my arms in the air in a peaceful way. I don't want her to be any more scared than she is right now, not to mention if I get too close before she gets her bearings she might hurt me.

Not that I particularly care about that, but the last thing she needs to see after getting over a nightmare is that she hurt me.

When she seemed to realize she isn't in any current danger she started crying harder. I slowly made my way to her. Even if she's better right now I don't want to send her back into the fearful panicked mode she was in a minute ago.

I'd love more than anything to run up to her and wrap her in my arms and comfort her the second I saw something was wrong but for her sake I couldn't do that. It would probably give her a panic attack.

Apparently, I didn't need to worry about scaring her as much as I thought. She practically knocked me over trying to hug me.

I heard my shirt rip and silently thanked myself for wearing one.

"It's okay baby, I've got you." I murmured. She was shaking so bad a small breeze could have knocked her over.

She didn't say anything. Just clutching me closer to her. I awkwardly shuffled over to the bed and sat down with her in my lap. I waited patiently for her to calm down stroking her hair and kissing her head and the sides of her face.

"I can't let it happen again Derik. I can't, can't watch it again." She sobbed. But her voice didn't break or stutter. She sounded, determined.

"Okay, it won't. Whatever happened won't happen again, I'll make sure of that." I promised. I'm not sure what happened or what she's worried about but it didn't matter to me. I'd make sure she wouldn't have to see whatever made her so upset again.

I'd get a goddamn army if that's what she needs.

All I wanted was to kiss her and say everything would be okay. But that felt far too much like taking advantage of the situation. So I settled on resting my arms across her waist.

"Do you think there's anything I can do to help right now?" I asked gently rubbing her back.

"Just, stay here please."

"Always," I whispered.

As my eyes grew heavy she settled into my chest and though her heartbeat never settled she seemed content. I fell asleep purring with her cuddled into me.


The first thing I noticed was Fall wasn't anywhere near me. With my heart beating a little more than usual I searched the house for her. I checked everywhere, every room in the house, everywhere on the property, asked every slave and even Rosie if they'd seen Fall.

Anxiously pacing I tried to track her scent. Nothing.

Her trail dead-ended at the front door, like she disappeared into nothingness. She couldn't have been taken anywhere against her will, her body wouldn't allow it. But then where the hell is she?

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