What he thinks

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The first thing I noticed was that Derik slept soundly next to me, seemingly unharmed. Which immediately put me at ease. At least I didn't hurt him.

The next thing I noticed was that he smelled oddly like me. Which means I did one of two things, I marked him or...

No I definitely didn't do that. He's still fully clothed. But there was a mark on his neck. Marks magically make your partner smell like you, keeping them off limits to anyone with a nose good enough to smell them.

Mortified is an understatement. It wouldn't last forever but a mark is usually used in very serious relationships.

And would last a month on a werewolf, hopefully less on a vampire. Vampires haven't let themselves be marked for hundreds of years, I wouldn't know unless I researched it.

My father never let my mom mark him because it might get her hurt because vampires and werewolves 'don't belong together'. At least my mark will make him smell like a hybrid instead so he won't get quite as much backlash.

My face flamed bright red. What the hell else did I do last night?

I don't remember anything. Usually for half-moons I remember after a little bit but the full moon is very different. I could view the aftermath but it was complete guesswork about what happened.

For some reason I usually had some kind of revelation or decision made during the full moon. Ironic considering I will never remember exactly what they are. But regardless I wake up with a determination fairly often to do one thing or another.

Apparently I decided something about Derik because currently the only thing on my mind is that I want to kiss him. Not that I would do it while he's asleep because that's beyond creepy.

His arms were tightly wrapped around my waist keeping me from moving. Luckily my phone was in reach so I could start working. And distract myself.

I was mostly concerned about the later.

I turned the sound typing made on the phone off as to not disturb him and sunk into his side reading emails. Eventually he stirred and I tried to smile at him but just ended up looking nervous and blushing.

Does he know what a mark means? What did I do last night? Was I mean, did I do anything inappropriate? I have no idea how I acted.

"Hey babe," Is Derik blushing? What did I do?!

"Umm... I don't really know what all I did last night but... I'm sorry you had to see whatever happened." I apologized gently touching the mark on his neck.

It shouldn't hurt but I felt guilty since I've basically tied him down, probably against his will, for the next month.

"It's fine. It wasn't so bad, you were just really flirty," He explained.

Yeah but it must have been bad to make a vampire blush.

I feel like I might actually die of embarrassment and I don't even know what happened. I'm dying to ask him but I think he would just tell me not to worry about it.

"Can we go get breakfast now?" I mumbled.

"Yeah, go get dressed and we can go downstairs." And that was when I realized I am wearing a robe.

So I flirted with Derik while wearing a robe. Lovely.

Whisking away I went into the closet quickly putting on a light jacket, jeans, and a black t-shirt. I ran my fingers through my hair anxiously. I feel like I might have a panic attack.

"Fall, you okay?" Derik gently knocked on the door.


I gave myself a minute to just breath before I actually got out. I offered a shaky smile Derik nervously returned.

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