||Chapter Twenty|| Tough Cookie

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|| Hello, my beautiful people! Finally, a decently long chapter.  And I'm happy to make another chapter of this, this story is ma little baby '‿' I'll serve some more fluff in the next chapter, but as for now, happy reading <3 ||

|| Hosu Hospital, 9:40 pm ||


"Yeah." Aizawa softly chuckled.

You and Aizawa were in your little hospital room, him sitting besides your bed reading a cute farm book to you that he found in a small bucket of kids toys in the corner of the room. There were puzzles and teddies and dinosaurs, but you told him you wanted to see the book. There were a few that he bought you back at the house, so you were somewhat excited when you saw one and remembered the word 'book'.

The man next to you only had a small cotton patch on the side of his forehead, and other than that there were no other signs of injury. It even surprised him that he was fine. As for you, well, that's a completely different story.

In your arm was a huge slice in your skin, that had to be stitched and bandaged as quick as doctors could go. In your other arm, where small shards of glass once were, was now just another bandage. Your right foot was totaled. They were sure they would have to just cut it right off after a while of trying to fix it, but luckily a healing doctor was able to drive in from another hospital. You still had both feet, which is one huge plus.

Other than those injuries, the rest of you was just stiff and sore and covered in small scrapes and band aids.

"But then the chicken said, 'Oh no!'" Aizawa said in a funny voice, pulling a face and turning the page. It didn't make you crack a smile, but you enjoyed the story he was reading. 

You thought his story telling was much better than the ones you used to read a few months ago. Y'know, the stories that are seven pages long, stapled together with neat font and told you all about how you weren't allowed to use your quirk on a staff member. Those stories were scary.

"Then all the animals came running over, wagging their tales and flapping their win-" The story suddenly stopped as Aizawa saw something moving in the corner of his eye. His eyes flicked away from the colorful little book and saw a single building block hovering out the box.

"Hey, careful.." He said softly, giving you a quick look before getting up to put the block back into the box. The nurses had given him many instructions before he was allowed to see you, and the number one golden rule was 'no quirk'. He just didn't want you to hurt yourself more.

His hand wraps around the block to just put it in the box again, with all the other toys, and you let go of it and it falls into his hands. It was a little surprising to him. Usually, you were stubborn and would've kept it locked in place, but when he looked at you, you were just sitting there innocently looking at him.  

A smile randomly popped up on his face and decides you might want to play with the blocks, so he bent down to pick up a few others in the box. You saw the man then walk back to the bed, focusing on his full hands and sitting back down.

You look at them with a small pout. They looked weird. You'd never seen something like that before. Maybe they would be mean to you.

"Here." Aizawa smiles faintly, flopping the pile of small wooden cubes onto the side of the bed. You flinched and shuffled away from them, looking at Aizawa for some sort of answer. 

"It's okay, they're blocks. You just stack them." That was your absent minded answer he gave, picking one up and trying to put it on top of another. 

"They're b-ocks." You repeat, with a little concentrated face as you reach out with your hand to pick one up.

A chuckle came from the black haired man, and soon enough there was a small stack of alphabet blocks besides you.

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