||Chapter Ten|| Conversations In The Cold

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He chuckles and pats the top of your head. "Hey, easy now. I missed you too, kid." He smiles.

Kirishima was still with the two police officers, in his little bubble of shock and confusion. Ei had no idea Aizawa was your 'care giver', he didn't even know that man had a human-loving bone in his body. He definitely has a lot of questions to ask. He looks between you and Aizawa, and then the officers. "H-hang.. Hang on, I'm still confused.. Aizawa is her.. dad? Now?"

The male officer smiles and pats Kiri's shoulder a few times. "Sorry, son, we're not really supposed to be handin' out information to the public. At least not yet, I think." He says and looks to the female officer.

She shrugs and fixes her hat. "All we can say is that yeah, she's living with him but nothing else, really."

Kirishima nods understandingly. "Does she.. have parents? Did something happen to them in that Earthquake? Wait, i-is Aizawa her actual dad?" He asks. He understood that the officers couldn't give him too much info, but he was curious.

The male officer pouts and shrugs, while resting both hands on his belt. "Can't quite answer that, pal." He sighs. The female went back to the police car, opened the door and lent in to fiddle with something. "Mm.. only other thing you'd probably want to know is how she got here, yeah?"

Kiri nods, and the male officer smiles. "On the radio call, people reported she was.. flickering?" He thinks of the exact word he heard on the call and used both hands to animate the word. "Then, she just teleported. Guess she ended up 'ere."

"Teleported?" Kiri questioned. He was sure your quirk was telekinesis. He saw you move him in the gas station and that packet of M&Ms. What else could it be? "I saw her moving stuff with her quirk, though. Like.. telekinesis?"

The officer shrugs and presses his lips together in a tight line. "Sorry, kid, my lips are sealed." Then, he chuckles a little. "Don't worry, you'll probably get answers soon enough. On the news probably."

The female pokes her head out the car, wiggling a walkie talkie around in one of her hands. "Haruko, we got another call!" She calls out to him, and he sighs and turns to the red-headed teenager in front of him.

"Ah, sorry, son. Duty calls!" He smiles and pats Kirishima's back, walking back to the police car to join the female. He sticks a fist up in the air while walking with his back to Kiri. "Justice awaits!"

Eijirou chuckled to himself, and shoves his freezing hands into his winter jacket's pockets, bringing his shoulders up and breathing out cold vapor. He blinks a few times through the nipping winter air and spins around to his car. Aizawa was talking to another officer, that came from a second police car that just arrived. You were sitting in the drivers seat, quietly and anxiously watching Aizawa and the male officer.

He smiles and walks over to the three. He noticed that you had Aizawa's jacket on your shoulders, most likely to shield you form the stupidly cold air. You look up at him and he looks down at you with a friendly smile.

"Hey, little miss. How you holdin' up?" The boy asks. Aizawa turns his head around from the officer for a second to check on you, but he saw it was only Kirishima and resumed his conversation with the cop.

You didn't say anything back, but Kiri wasn't bothered by it. He just enjoyed your company. He takes his hands out of his pockets and rubs them together to keep warm. He blows on them and shoves them back in. "You cold, sugar?"

You shake your head, but it was obvious you were. You were shivering slightly and your teeth were chattering. You didn't need anyone's help. You were used to no body caring about you, your feelings or your well-being, so this was weird. People asking you if you were okay, caring and actually giving a shit about your safety. Certainly was new, and a little... uncomfortable. You were used to being alone.

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