||Chapter Nine|| Lost And Found

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He slowly approaches the you with a small kind smile. "Hey, sugar, you okay?"

Through your blurry vision, you see a big, bulky figure approach you. It was definitely a man. You sink down against the wall of bread and shrink down even more, peering up at him with your hands out to protect yourself. You were whimpering and your face was aching from all the crying you had done today.

You honestly had no clue where you were, or what even just happened. You didn't know you could teleport, or even what a 'teleport' was. One second, you were in an all-too-familiar hospital, the next second, you were in a weird room with different things on shelves.

Kirishima had a sad but kind smile, and he bent down on one knee to look at you. He couldn't get a good look at you because of your arms in front of your face, but it clicked pretty soon after. You were the little girl from the explosion and the Earthquake.

His eyes light up and his smile goes to an excited, shocked one. "Oh hey, you're the little girl from Hosu! What are you doing here, sweet cheeks? You lost?" He asks and you just keep crying.

You noticed the kindness in his eyes. And his friendly nature. And the giant, sharp teeth he had in his mouth. They were very pointy, and they scared you. His hair was pointy, too. And.. red. Yeah, red. That's what it's called. Like watermelon.

"....W-Wat-ter..mel-on." You mumble out to yourself. He could barely hear it, and even without the background music and the door chiming, he still wouldn't be able to hear.

"What was that?" He tilts his head with his kind smile that made his eyes sparkle. He looked nice. Like the man with the curly green hair from before.

Your crying had gone down to a quiet whimper, and you were only sniffling and shaking now. You whip your head around at every little noise. There were people every where, and you were terrified. There was a stranger right in front of you, noises coming from everywhere. The more you sat there, the louder all the noises sounded to you. Your breathing picked up while you were glancing around at everything.

"Are you here with someone?" He asks again. Just like Midoriya and Aizawa, you had some sort of spell over him that made his heart melt into mush.

"Huh? What the-" Kirishima felt his shoulders start to move on there own all of a sudden. It was slow, but he was being dragged back by his shoulders and his butt was being dragged along the floor, away from you. He looked behind him, but no one was there. When he looked back to you, you had one of your hands by your side, stretched out and trembling. He figured it was your quirk.

Your face was scrunched up , your lip was trembling and your eyes were overflowing with fear. You used your quirk to get him away from you, because everything in that weird place was scary. He felt his shoulders go limp as you let go of him and he rolled them around a few times. His back was up against the aisle opposite to you. He stood up and rubbed his head a bit, getting the message and keeping his distance. 

"Scared, huh? Sorry.." He chuckles a bit and smiles widely. "I guess I am a bit big.. Uh, I'm Kirishima Eijirou! You can call me Ei. What's your name, cutie pie?"

He hears a tiny mumble and listens carefully to decipher it. "K-Ki-id. Kid."

"..K-Kid?" He nervously chuckles. "Kid? That- That's your name?"

"Kid." You say, in another mumble.

"How 'bout I just call ya sugar?" He smiles. "A cute little lady has to have a cute name, huh?"

You just look at him weirdly, with a frown. Not that you didn't like the name, but you still were in a weird room with this man. You kind of liked him, though. As long as he was in here with you, it was fine.

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