||Chapter Four|| Investigating

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You were slipping in and out of consciousness, and the noises around you were muffled. The few times your eyes did open, your vision was blurry and cloudy. Things around you were moving and being lifted, but you were too out of it to fully understand. It felt like you were the only thing in the world, in your own little bubble while everything else was being blocked out.

You were too out of it to comprehend it, but the heroes, policemen and class 1-A were working relentlessly to rescue you from beneath the rubble. They found it hard to believe that someone that deep down was still alive, but someone was and that's all that mattered.

They picked up the pace and got the broken cement and debris out the crater faster than ever, and were careful to not put to much pressure on it, in fear that they might crush whoever was at the bottom. The further they dug, the more remains of the facility they found. Pretty soon, the media was there reporting every little thing, and everything returned to chaos once again.

|| 2 Days Later, Hosu Police Station, 8 am ||

A firm knock on the door interrupted Naomasa Tsukauchi and Aizawa's conversation.

"Come in." Aizawa's voice called out and the door was opened, where a policeman stood.

He leaned against the door frame and tilted his uniform hat down a little. "Morning, gentlemen. Uh- I've come to inform you that we got a call from the hospital." He explained. The two men perked up at the information, and fully turned to him eagerly. It was something they have waited to hear for two agonizingly busy days.

The story has blown up in the media, they've been dealing with stacks upon stacks of reports, sending out detectives, working out what that lab was and who owned it.. life was just a busy, confusing mess right now.

"Has she woken up? Did they say she's available to come in?" Tsukauchi questioned, but the policeman in the door frame just shook his head with an nervous expression.

"Uh.. something like that." He answered with uncertainty and rubbed the back of his head. "They're in a bit of a sticky situation at the moment.. she did wake up, but not exactly how we expected. The nurses said she was extremely terrified and went bezerk, so they sedated her to prevent her from going even more nuts."

Aizawa scrunched his face up in confusion and said, "What does that mean? 'Go bezerk'?"

"Well, they said she woke up screaming and crying and when the nurses came into her room to assist her, she was hiding under a chair, just sobbing hysterically. They tried to coax her out, but she just growled at them apparently. One nurse is even in emergency care because she attacked them."

Well, now they were even more confused than before. It was certainly a surprising turn of events. Aizawa and Tsukauchi took a moment to just sit and take in all the new information the guy told them. Before they got to question him again, the policeman continued speaking.

"So.. yeah. She wasn't complying to anything they said and essentially went nutso, so they sedated her and she's sleeping again. Basically, they're all saying that she should be taken to the high security part of the hospital.. or we could bring her here and question he-"

"Yeah. Yeah, bring her here." Tsukauchi intervened, and his face was just as concerned as Aizawa's.

"Rightio, then, sir. I'll ring them up and hopefully they can get her here soon." He begun to turn around and pull the door shut, but Aizawa abruptly stood up from his chair.

"Wait-" He blurted out, and the policeman stopped in his tracks and turned around to hear him out. "Have they given you any information on how the hell she survived that Earthquake?"

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