||Chapter Eight|| Just A Few Tests

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Even after sitting in silence next to Aizawa for 10 minutes, you still didn't eat the watermelon. It was red and it felt slimy and weird. He tried explaining that it was fine to eat and that people eat it all the time, you still weren't convinced that you could or should eat it.

After he put the watermelon in the fridge, he came back into the dining room to see you still sitting there, with the blankest face expression he had ever seen. You were just sitting there with dull eyes and you hands in your lap. 

He lent against the opposite side of the table and frowned a bit. "Are ever going to move from that chair? That's not good for you."

You only look at him for a few seconds and quietly say, "Stay. Stay here."

"Are you sure? There's nothing to do." He asks with his questioning frown. Aizawa didn't think it was good for you to just sit there and do nothing all day.

"Yes." You point to yourself. "Sure." You mumble. You were really just observing everything in the room. There was a 'shelf' with lots of 'books' in them, a 'rug'. The walls were white, but not as blindingly white as the facility's walls, so you enjoyed looking at them. The 'sky' was also very pretty, but you realized it was.. blue?

You look away from Aizawa and out the window. You were confused. Why was it blue now? The sky is black with white dots in it, not blue. "...Sky isn't sky." You mumble.

Aizawa looked out the window, too. "What? The sky's still there, kid."

"Blue." Then you point at the window with a little confused frown of your own. "Sky..is blue."

"Yeah, the sky's blue.." Aizawa says. After a few seconds, he realized. The only time you had ever seen the sky was at night, when it was black. You've never seen the sky when it's blue.

"Oh.. That's because it's day time. When it's day, the sky goes blue." He explains.

You look back over to him. "What is that?"

"Uh... There's day and there's night, and right now it's day. It's just how time works."

"D-Da-a-a-aaay." You stutter through mumbles. "N-N-Ni-i-gh-t. Ni-ght-t."

"Yes. Day, night." He says, with a tiny proud smile. He enjoyed teaching you things, and for some reason, he always got a little proud feeling when you learnt something. "We have to go back to the hospital today, alright? They need to do a few tests to make su-"

Suddenly, your breathing starts pick up it's pace once again and you violently shook your head. "No!" You pleaded, and by now there were tears glossing over your eyes. Aizawa had never seen someone change so much over a matter of a few seconds. You looked so utterly terrified, and you sounded like you were desperately pleading him.

"Hey.. hey.." He put both his hands out and his face was sad and gentle, trying to comfort you or at least calm you down. "Easy, easy.. What's the matter? No what?"

"Listen, sweet, breathe in.." He inhales slowly and you try to do the same, but the uncontrollable shaking was making it hard. He exhales. "Out... You're alright. Tell me what's wrong."

"N-N-No-N-No T-Te-est!" You mumble through the sobbing. You didn't know what hospital tests were, just facility tests. And facility tests were hell. They strap you down and shove needles in your arms, force you to use your quirk until your head spins and throbs, and use pumps to drain the blood from your arms for testing. Now it was going to happen again. "P-Plea-ease!"

"Alright, alright. You're okay, it's alright." He whispers soothingly and your breathing calmed down a bit. He told you to breathe and breathed in and out with you a few more times. Eventually, you were just down to shaking and whimpering a little.

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