||Chapter Fifteen|| Freeway

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|| Hosu Police Station, 7:00 am ||

"Hello?" A lady's panicked voice chimed. Her anxious breathing could be heard over the phone. "Somebody just got in my car and drove off with it! They're gone, and my car's missing!"

"Okay... ma'm? Just take a few deep breathes, and tell exactly what happened. You got robbed?" Another lady answered the emergency call, from her office in Hosu's police station. The person sounded quite frazzled and all over the place.

"Yes, yes I did um- I was walking to my car 'cause I forgot my files and stuff, and I looked up and there was just a guy getting into my car and he drove off with it!" She answers back, still frantic and panicked. She was still on the footpath, looking around every where and blocking her other ear with her finger as she spoke on the phone with the police.

"Okay, can you describe the man to me?" The police lady asked, and used her computer to send a police car to the woman's location.

"Yeah, he had.. spiky black hair and that's really all I saw, but he had a child with him. I didn't get a good look at them either."

The police lady suddenly perked up, and her mouth was open a little. She frowns, and leans forward in her chair, suddenly a lot more interested in this call. "S-Sorry, a child?"

"Yeah, he had a kid with him." She answers back.

"What age would you say they were?" She asks, still on edge and frowning. As soon as she heard that the guy had a child, she instantly thought of the missing person warning that the police station got earlier. She heard that a young girl was missing. Around 7 years old.

"I-I don't know. Six? Seven maybe? It was definitely a girl, but w-what- what does this have to do with my car?" She asks nervously with gritted teeth. This lady just wanted her car back.

"There's a report on a missing young girl, so it's just right to ask questions. Um, ma'm, can you tell me what your car look like?" She uses her shoulder to keep the phone under her ear, and uses both hands to get a paper pad and pen. "And can I get a number plate?"

The woman gives the police lady all the information that she needed, and it was all written down. The woman was pacing up and down the street, phone against her ear and giving the lady all the info that she asked for. A couple people from the restaurant that Dabi crashed into were also calling the police, including a few pedestrians. It didn't take the police station long to figure out that that particular street and everyone on it was going haywire.

The past three days, the police station had it's work cut out for them. It was the most action that Hosu, and even Japan, had ever gotten in many, many years. There was so much work and investigating, and the number of calls they were receiving sky rocketed. All crammed into three days. Aizawa was exhausted, but he was willing to ride this out with you. 

|| A Freeway, 8:30 am ||

Dabi and Toga had gotten out of Hosu rather quickly, and they did it by skidding around every corner and speeding as fast as the stolen car would go. Everybody that they passed had noticed the car, because it was extremely hard to ignore a speeding car with a squealing lady and a yelling man in it. After a little while, they made it out the city and were bolting down the freeway.

Dabi was tapping the steering wheel in time with the music on the radio, which was blaring. Toga was sitting in the back, twirling her finger around your strands of hair with a smile, but Dabi didn't bother to stop her.

"You know, like, all of those people would've called the police, right?" She pouts, and looks up to Dabi and away from your cute little face. She enjoyed tracing your nose and touching your cheeks.

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