||Chapter Five|| A New Place

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|| Hosu Police Station, 1 am ||

In the Hosu Police Station, all the action had finally started to die down. A few officers went home, most paper work was done, all the files had been filed and all the calls had been made. Now, since you were officially taking refuge in Aizawa's house, all the officers were figuring out how it would be done.

They all knew you were extremely dangerous. For heaven's sake, you blew up an entire street and caused one hell of a big Earthquake. Aizawa knew it was a risk, a giant one in fact, but you needed somewhere to go and that somewhere would be him.

You were still in the questioning room, and by now, you had fallen asleep under the table. The floor was cold and hard, but it wasn't too different to your bed at the facility, so falling asleep wasn't hard. You were exhausted anyway. 

Using his ID card, Aizawa slowly opens the door and looks around for you. "...Kid?"

He crept around the room, until he found you curled up under the table, shivering. His eyes immediately softened and so did his heart. He didn't know what kind of shit you had to endure in the past, but all he knew was that he felt the need to care and protect you now.

He would've gently slapped your shoulder, but he knew that would absolutely terrify you, so he resorted to not touching you. "Kid, wake up. Time to leave this hell hole."

When you heard a voice, your eyes slowly opened and you were met by some big figure in front of you, crouching and looking at you. Your eyes and mouth were wide open, and you immediately flinch backwards, so much that the chair behind you fell over and made you flinch even more.

"Hey, hey.. Kid, you're alright. It's just me." He said in a soothing voice. You couldn't help the tears that stung your eyes and nose and trickled down your little face. You were trembling, and you had one tiny fist wrapped around the leg of a chair. You were as far away from him as possible, like a little rabbit in a cage.

"You're coming with me tonight." He says and shuffles away a bit to make you more comfortable. It doesn't work though, you were still a stiff as a rock and crying a lot.

It takes a couple minutes of him peacefully sitting there and gently talking to you for you to warm up to him. Out of the 19 officers that you met, you liked him the best from the beginning. You sniff one last time, and he backs up while you slowly come out of the table.

He smiles, which is something he doesn't do often. "Okay, good.. Uh- we're going to go to my house. Just like how you have your house. It might be scary but I'll be with you, okay?"

You sniff and then nod a bit. When he opens the door, there's a large room outside full of shelves and tables and couches. He offers a hand for you to take, but you look at it with a frown, so he puts it down. You follow him like a lost puppy through the station, so close that your shoulder was touching his leg the whole way. You got a few smiles and weird looks from other officers as you went. You arrive at the front desk.

"Got yourself a kid now, Aizawa~?"

"Oh, shut up."

As he stands at the front desk, you sink down and sit in front of his feet with your back against the desk, almost like penguins when they have an egg in their feet. It surprises him at first, but goes back to signing things. Everything was so new. Seeing some goddamned colors for once was amazing to you. Some things were strange, like how people were wearing weird colored things that weren't lab coats and how the rooms weren't just corridors. Everything was so new and scary, and you only felt safe with the new man you met. He wasn't mean and rough, so you liked him.

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