||Chapter Three|| The Explosion

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Tsukauchi's hands were tightly gripping the police car's stirring wheels as him and Aizawa quickly hurried over to the street that just exploded after they got that call. The siren on the top of the car was ringing and they dashed through the streets.

What they didn't know was that they were right about the suspicious things happening. They hit the nail on the head.

Everyday, at exactly 4 pm, you were dragged out of your cell for experimenting. They would force you to use your quirk and you would blow stuff up, break things and destroy things with your quirk. Of course, people started hearing all the noise. They would call the police about all the noise you made, but when the police came, they found nothing.


Because the facility was underground, and hidden. It was located underneath an old dentist's building. The dentist's building was just a small shop on a street surrounded by other little shops, except it was empty and no longer in use. If you went inside, you would find an empty shop with nothing inside. Nothing strange about it. If you went around the back, unlocked another door, went down the stairs and unlocked another door, you would find the facility. That's where it was hidden.

They were right about Shigaraki wondering around the dentist too. He visited every day before the testing so he could join the meetings held in the facility, at 4 pm. Too bad the security cameras spotted him.

|| Flashback to Earlier That Day at the Facility, 4 pm, After the Rabbit Test ||

"Shigaraki, Kurogiri, are you ready?" Kaichoka questioned the two men and both of them nodded. After you destroyed the testing room, they moved to a much larger one to continue showing off your skills to the two villains. There were some other workers repairing and cleaning up the rabbit blood and other mess you made in the testing room earlier. "Alright, brace yourselves."

They were in yet another observation room in another part of the facility, and you were in another testing room. This one was far, far larger. The ceiling was insanely high, and it was extremely long. Probably almost the same size as the U.S.J.

Kaichoka smirked and lent down to the array of buttons and switches. He pushed down one of them and spoke into a small microphone that blared through the speakers.

"Inmate, you will demonstrate your quirk to us now. You will use your full strength, or there will be consequences. We can monitor how much strength you use.  Your objective is to destroy the target. Begin."

You were standing in the middle of this new testing room. You weren't able to see the three men, and the giant, white space was scaring you. You were shaking and trembling. After you heard Kaichoka's message over the speakers, you tensed up and started whipping your head around to look for the 'target' that you supposedly had to destroy.

Then, you heard metal slam and then it turned to silence afterwards. You spin around to the noise and back away from it as you did. On the other end of the room, there was a giant creature. It twitched and growled, and its beady little eyes were glaring at you like a predator. It was purple, and bulked up with muscles on every inch of its humongous body.

"You're making a child fight a Nomu?" 

"Just watch."

The creature opens its beak-like mouth and lets out a ear ringing screech from the top of its lungs. Its stomps its left leg down onto the floor and leans forwards to let out another screech, which makes you squeal and cover your ears. It watches you whimper and crawl into a little ball for a second, before deciding to attack its weak prey. You.

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