||Chapter Nineteen|| Rag Doll

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|| Brief Warning : Gore. ||

|| Hi, you gorgeous people! Decided to upload another chapter, because why not? And I'm kinda on a roll here with my tumblr uploads, by some miracle. Enjoy!||

|| Freeway Out The City, 8:50 am ||

Aizawa's focused gaze was looking straight forwards, both his hands gripped tightly around the steering wheel. All he could think about was what he might be greeted by in the next two minutes, when he would reach the spot Todoroki said he was. Nothing else was on his mind, at all.

His car whipped down the freeway, at a considerable amount over the speed limit, as he turned around a small curve. But he frowned when he saw the road signs start to jiggle as he sped past them, and trees start to unearth themselves. Houses were swaying,the cows in the paddocks were jumping around, and soon he realized that the highway was rocking a bit. As far as the eye could see, everything was rumbling.

He wasn't sure if he was either glad or alarmed that he was in the middle of an Earthquake. It means you were close by and alive, but it also meant that he was in a very dangerous situation because he's seen the damage you've done.

"Oh, Christ-" The steering wheel suddenly went beyond his control, and was snapping left and right against his hands, moving the car in small swerves, and making screeching sounds. He heard trees snap as they flung out the ground and were lifted meters away from where they were. The car bumped off the road, things flew around in the back seat like they were in space, and Aizawa was quick to slam his foot on the brake pedal. He managed to slow it down, but the bonnet of the car still crashed into a net of trees.

All his bones and organs were actually completely fine. His wallet clashed into his forehead, which was bleeding a stream of blood, but other than that, he was okay. He groaned, sighed, and kicked open his door. Aizawa stepped out and rested his back onto the car, closing his eyes and catching any breath he could. "Dammit..."

Then car alarms were going off, dogs were barking, and the whole road rocked viciously once again. He could actually hear some sort of explosion, as well as people screaming and deep cracking sounds. It caught Aizawa off so much, he stumbled, and actually fell over onto the grass. He looked up from the shaking ground covered in fallen debris and saw a huge column of smoke burst up into the sky in the distance. A bright, hot, fiery orange flung everywhere closer to the ground, below the smoke in the sky. His whole body was tensed and his mouth was open wide.

|| Hosu Police Station, 8:50 am||

An officer was sitting on the small couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table and a jungle of sticky crumbs around his mouth. He was chewing a bright pink donut when he heard a deep rumbling, and everything around him rattled a bit. Books fell of the shelves, the TV clattered onto the ground and his burning hot tea splashed all over his stomach.

"Fuuuuuck!" He groaned, standing up quickly.

Another officer ran into the staff room with a worried look, a hand on the door frame. "What the hell was that?"

"No idea." He pouts, blowing on his steaming shirt.

|| Freeway Out The City, 8:50 am ||

Aizawa's ears were ringing from the huge, smokey explosion that just burst from the ground, flinging a car shell, a few fence posts, trees and pieces of the road up with it. He was on his hands and knees, wincing and covering his ears from the non stop ringing. He slowly stood, and regained his balance. The car was totaled from his crash, and there was hot smoke floating up from the front of it but he didn't really pay attention to it.

His legs stepped back onto the freeway, over the thin cracks and crumbled pieces and into the middle where he lifted his hand to his face and peered into the distance. He could only see a whole bunch of more road, and then a pile of smoke in the middle. He figured that's where you and Shouto were, and he suddenly got a lot more worried.

It was only about two hundred feet ahead of him, so he started running towards it, past all the fallen plants and knocked fence posts that were laying across the road. As he was speeding along the road, beginning to pant, a faint siren got louder until an ambulance going at top speed whizzed past him. It was making a bee-line straight to the explosion, where the smoke was starting to die down a bit. Aizawa couldn't see any moving figures and his stomach dropped.

The ambulance soon slowed and disappeared past the smoke and dust, getting closer and closer to the two people still stuck in there. The driver was trying to pass by all the debris, and the other's head was stuck out the window to try see anything. The dust had basically disappeared by now, so it was all clear. "Hey, might wanna stop here."

The vehicle slowly stopped, and both doors opened. Their heavy duty boots slammed against the road as they hopped out, both grabbing different bags and back packs from the truck. They walked towards what looked like a car shell, but it was completely fried and barely recognizable.

One paramedic frowned anxiously and said carefully, "This isn't looking so good... How could any one survive an explosion so big?"

"Yeah, I dunno." She stepped around the chunks of concrete, small pieces crunching under her boots. She saw dried spots and puddles of blood and sighed to herself, looking around at what seemed like a ghost town. "There's blood over here." She pouts, and looks to her partner. "See anything?"

He was about to respond, when they both jumped at the sound of groaning. They turned, and saw a tiny movement from just beyond the edge of the freeway. It was small and quiet, but they both clicked into action mode, hurrying over to whoever it was. The more she approached the body, the more she made it out to be a man with messy white and red hair. 

From her shoulder, she clicked her walkie talkie and said, "Hi, this is Michelle, we've found a male with what looks like small injuries, and possible a break to the... right arm. Seems responsive."

By then, they had both reached him and the male paramedic set down his bag and was leaning over Shouto's body. The boy didn't seem in good shape. There was dirt all over his face, a bloody nose, a shiny red gash on his leg and he was sprawled across the cement road barely moving.

"Hello, sir? Could you repeat to me your name, please, sir?" He said in a calm voice, checking for a pulse on the male's neck while the female responded to someone on her walkie talkie and bent down also.  After a few dull movement and a decrease in his heart rate, they concluded that he was very, very unconscious.

While the female carefully shuffled him onto a stretcher, the other man walked around and found something hanging from a car shell's window frame. At first it looked like just a T-shirt, but he soon found out a child was inside it and his face went pale and his blood dropped to his feet. You were hanging from the rusty frame by your arm, that was wedged into it and taking a huge chunk out of it. Your arm flesh was basically the only thing holding you up.

Your face didn't even look like a face. Just skin and blood and dirt. Your little toes were barely touching the ground, and your leg was seeping and seeping with blood and glass. You looked like a little rag doll of flesh and dirt. Something you wouldn't even see in the scariest horror movie created.

The officer felt like he was about to faint from the scene, but he gulped and shouted,  "Michelle!"

She stood up, wiped sweat from her face, only for it to completely go white as paper. She was almost as faint as her partner. Her shaky hand reached for her walkie talkie and she shivered out, "Ughm... Uh- We're going to need another um... ambulance."

|| God, I'm so disappointed with myself, I wanna vomit. Y'know, some of the first chapter were 3,000 words long, and then there's this which is 1,500 words long and it's not even that good. But what can I say, it's kinda late so. I'm sorry, but I appreciate ya'll sticking around <3 ||

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