||Chapter Eleven|| I Know Where She Is

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To anyone watching from a distance, the sight would have been quite funny. A tall man and a small six year old waddling through the light snow. Aizawa was walking slowly with you, with his arms wrapped around himself and his teeth were chattering wildly. He was only in a thin long-sleeved shirt, jeans and socks.  He could basically feel his limbs freezing off. The little girl was shuffling next to him, all dressed up like a chubby marshmallow. Boots, poofy coat, gloves, beanie, scarf.

Pretty soon, Aizawa and you made it to his car, which was parked about 100 feet from Kiri's one. The walk for you was very scary, because the world was huge. So much huger and louder and busier than your tiny cell. You shuffled next to Aizawa and gripped onto his jeans the whole way, and you even pressed your face against his leg so you wouldn't have to look at the world.

He clears his throat and you hear his croaky voice through his chattering teeth. "Car's here, kid."

He un-wraps his arms from his torso and reaches into his jean's pockets for his keys with his shaking arm. The car unlocks when he presses a button on the keys, and he reaches for the door handle of the back door. He pulls it open and steps back, so you do to so your still clinging onto his leg.

"Get in, it's below freezing point out here." He says, and looks down to you. 

Sure you were all wrapped up, but you were still shivering slightly. Imagine how cold Aizawa must've been. You take a slow step towards the black seats inside, breathing shakily. You still had one hand tightly wrapped around Aizawa's jeans, the other trembling by your side.

If it were anyone else, Aizawa would have told you to hurry it up, and probably picked you up and chucked you in but he didn't.  Even though he was already close to the seats, he took a step closer so you didn't have to walk without holding onto his pants because he knew you needed to do that. You slowly climbed onto the seat.

"I'll be right back, I promise. If you hear me tapping, it means I'm still here, okay?" Aizawa croaked out and slowly closed the door.

While he walks around the car to his driver's seat, he uses his knuckles to gently tap the car the whole way, so you knew he was there like he said. You listened carefully for the tapping, and nervously waited alone for him. You gulp and try control your breathing.

Sure enough, the front door opens and Aizawa shakily plops into is seat with a satisfied sigh. Immediately he turns the car on and rushes to turn the heater on, all the way up.

"Hee-t-tor." You mumble. It was the word that Kirishima taught you.

Aizawa looked back to the little kid in the back of his car, with a smile and confused eyebrows. He was sure he hadn't taught you that word before. "Who taught you that word, kid?" He asked.

"Man." You say in another mumble, even quieter than before. You knew Kirishima's name, but 'man' was shorter and easier to say, so you opted for that instead.

"Kirishima taught you?" Aizawa asked, and you didn't do anything. He figured it was him, though. He turns back around and sticks his hands in front of the heater. They were purple from the cold. He wanted to make sure you were completely okay first, though, so he turns back around and asks, "Are you cold?"

"No." You state, and Aizawa nods and starts reversing the car out of the car park.

|| Gas Station Car Park, 11:35 am ||

Kirishima was sitting in his car, after he waved a final good bye to Aizawa and the little girl. He smiled to himself and pulled out his phone.

Yo dude, guess who i just met!!
Sent : 11:35 am

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