||Chapter Sixteen|| Flashback

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|| Warning : Human death, followed by gore. ||

|| Flashback, Approximately 4 Months Ago ||

You were sitting in a hard, plastic, and very white chair, with your little hands tied together behind you. Whatever was holding them together wasn't at all very thick, because you felt something around your wrists digging into your skin. And although you couldn't see, your skin was turning red and blue from how tight the restraints were. There was nothing else in the room, just pristine tiles, and more, and more pristine tiles and the viewing window that was always there. To you, it appeared to be a mirror, but it was really just a mirror for the other scientists to look at you safely. And there were three of them behind it, in fact.

Suddenly, the door creaking open breaks the silence in the room. Your breathing picks up, and you try your best to throw yourself around and scoot the chair away from the door, but a six year old doesn't have that much force. The door closes, and when you look back, you see a man coming towards you. He had a lab coat, blue gloves, and a box.

He smiles a smile that makes you feel very uneasy, and kneels down in front of you, box in hand. His head tilts towards you, and you were eye level with him, but that wasn't a good thing. His eyes looked like those of a snake's. Sinister and untrustworthy.

"Hi, sweetheart." His low voices says, making your back shiver and your whole body start to squirm again, like a fish out of water. Your nose started to sting, indicating your were about to cry. Your eyes were looking at him with horror, and you tilted your head as far away from him as possible.

"Don't be shy." He smiles, but you couldn't see because you didn't want to look at him. You try wiggling your hands free, kicking him, scooting the chair back, anything. Nothing worked. "I just want to do some tests with you to see your progress, is that okay, darling?"

You keep grunting and crying to get away from him, but your restraints wouldn't allow you to move an inch. You whimper quietly, and gasp through gritted teeth when you feel a warm finger on your chin. The finger made your head look at him, and there he was. Evil eyes.

"I said.." He growled, staring right into your terrified little eyes, "...is that okay?"

You clenched you mouth shut, grunting and refusing to answer, twitching your head around and trying to get the finger off your chin. But once he started to caress your soft little left cheek, you gasp, whip your head back and desperately grunt out, "Yes!"  

His face gives you a look of satisfaction, along with an unsettling smile. He chuckles, and retracts his hand from your face, leaving you trembling and lightly crying. "Good, good."  

He opens the box that he had on the floor next to him, and when opened, you nervously peered at all the trinkets inside. There were doctor's swabs, a finger pricking device, a few pairs of tweezers and heaps of other doctor-looking supplies. His hand reaches down, and he picks up one of the swabs. It's lifted out its spot in the box, and he brings it to your face.

"Open your mouth." He instructs, forcefully squeezing both your cheeks really hard so he could open your mouth for you. It worked, and you mouth was open a peep. The man navigates the cotton swab inside, and you feel it start to scrape the inside of one of your cheeks. You squirm, and move your jaw around, but he ignores it and does his job.

He takes it out, spins it a little in front of his eyes to inspect it, and places it back in the box. "Alright..." He says, laying the swab carefully into the box, and then looks back to you, and uses a hand to stroke your cheek. "You're being such a good girl for me. Just a few more."

His words made your back shiver, and your face scrunch up. Partially because of his filthy way of words, but also because of the unruly amount of tears building up in your eyes. You look at him through your shimmering tears, and frown a teeny bit.

"Don't good." You mutter, voice cracking from your crying. What you meant was 'not good', referring to the very 'not good' man in front of you. He just chuckles, and puts a hand on your knee, making you jump and try move your leg.

"Remember what I taught you? It's 'not'." He smiles at you, but his eyes weren't they looked evil. He takes his hand away and goes back to the box. In the middle of fiddling with something, he freezes and frowns. His eyes quickly dart away from the box, anxiously looking in between you and his shoe. He could feel something weird happening to his shoe.

Sure enough, something weird was happening to his shoe. It was splitting, or cracking in half, slowly from the toes end of it and to the ankle. You could hear the seams of his boots ripping and tearing, as you watch the crack travel up the shoe. You were using your quirk.

He frowns, stands and kicks one of the legs of the chair you sat on. You shrieked from the force, and he was glaring down at  you. Then, he looked towards the mirrored window, frowning at it also and talking to whoever was behind it. "Kaichako, get her out of here and under anesthesia. She used her quirk."

You were never allowed to use your quirk, unless you were doing experiments with someone. And golden, number one rule was never, ever, ever use your quirk on a scientist. It was forbidden.

He glares at you. "Feral animal." He scoffs, snatches up the box and heads straight for the door. His hand wraps around the handle, and he stands still, waiting for it to be unlocked by someone. He wasn't worried about being in a room with you when you were at risk of using your quirk, because he was sure you wouldn't try anything else. Boy was he wrong.

While he stared at the handle, waiting for it to open, he felt his other shoe start to rip apart. His head whipped around to shoot a nasty glare, but that didn't last long. He was violently dragged across the room by one of his knees, and he zoomed across the floor, yelling, until his body hit the other wall. His nose started bleeding, and he grunted. The box had flung across the room, and hit the window.

"Hurry, get me the fuck out of here!" He desperately yells, hurrying to stand and run back to the door. The people behind the window were gasping and panicking, because they all knew, none of them ever wanted to be in a room when you were aggravated. It was, like, rule number one for them. They quickly tried yanking the door open to get him out ASAP, but it wouldn't budge.

The man was absolutely terrified and panicking out of his mind. Everyone knew that he was in a very dangerous situation, like standing in front of a lion. Do you run or stay still?

He was also trying hard to pull the door open, but it wouldn't work. You stared at him, sobbing and whimpering. Your stare hovered around his back, which is exactly what broke when you activated your quirk for the second time.

Everyone heard the snap, and the man went limp. His body flopped forwards on the door, and he slid down onto the floor. One last drag across the room, and you were sure he was dead. Sprawled out in one corner of the room, blood pouring out his nose, mouth and the top of his head.

You panted, staring at him as the blaring alarms were going off. Someone with a right mind would find that horrifying, but to you, it felt good. Scary, terrifying, but good.

|| I just felt like writing about the facility again. Is it just me, or do ya'll miss the facility chapters? I mean, I know everyone likes Dadzawa, so probably not. But I do. ||

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