Chapter 21 - Bye Tyler

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"Mum?" I squint my eyes to look at the person or celestial being hovering inches from my own face.

"You guessed right, I million dollars to the devil's spawn in the front row!" The devil aka my mother pretends it's a game show or something.

"Lemme sleep." I try to swoosh the ruler of Hell away with my hand, I know it's dumb but I'm so fucking tired.

"What's someone like you doing sleeping on concrete like a floor peasant?" She looks around the place, the only thing stopping the snow from pattering onto me is the bridge above my head.


Changing subject, "Did you have another kid with a human?" I ask her, come to think of it I have nothing to confirm that Tyler isn't hired by arsenal.

"Not that I know of, but you never know." Ok. I'm thoroughly scared for life.

"Can you sense another half breed or some shit." She looks at me like I'm dumb.

"Do you actually think I'm the all powerful?" She looks like she's starting to get annoyed, I might be able to shoo her away but making the devil angry isn't on my list of things to do.

"Um... Maybe?" Damn wrong answer, she looks pissed.

"Ok. Since you have an excuse about not knowing anything I'm not gonna tear you apart today." She takes a deep breath.

"My father aka God is the almighty. I have very little powers while he controls what happens to everyone, it's infuriating how people blame me for every bad thing that happens in their life. Like, IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOUR BOYFRIEND BROKE UP WITH YOU. So I have the power to draw out people's greatest fears, see their worst memories (usually for making their hell loops) and do a little bit of magic like the shit you can do. You know, making things levitate, the light stuff. So no, I am not all-powerful."


"So... Do you remember giving birth to someone other than me?" Fingers crossed she doesn't get angry.

"No. I didn't want to go through that hell again. I can still remember the demon 'midwives' having fun cutting me open in places that weren't necessary." She winces, so who us Tyler?

"So don't freak out but-" I start.

"I never freak out." She sticks her nose into the air.

"There has been this guy, looks about 2 years or so older than me, that claims that he is my brother. With you being the Mum and another human being the father, he murdered Coen the demon. And Coen never trusted him, apparently, he had a tattoo that looked like the logo of Arsenal - an illegal demon organisation." I take a breather.

"... Fuck..." I have managed to break down her guard, get her angry and piss the devil off all in past 5 minutes. New record.

We both sit there for a couple of minutes, thinking about what the best thing is to do. Does he have to be killed? Should he be questioned? Is he even still at that motel or has he already ran away? What the fuck is happening?

"Alright, I think the best thing to do is to eliminate the possibility of him giving any information to his organization if he actually is working against us." I propose.

"I think we should kill him to not risk the possibility of him betraying us ever again." My Mum states.

"I know he lied to me but he doesn't seem like a bad person. Listen, I know it all could be an act but maybe at least give me a chance to get answers." I almost plead but I won't stoop that low.

"Ok, but I'm taking him to hell for questioning because I'm assuming he has powers."

"But I have to question him in private first then you can take him away when I'm ready." I bargain.

"Fine." And the plan is set.


I walk up to the motel and sit out the front for a while, deciding if this is the right thing to do morally. I mean, he lied about who he was to me with no intention of telling me or trying to explain what the fuck as going on with him. He turned me against Coen and killed Coen who, at the moment, could be innocent after all. He could have killed him for no good reason.

Instead of taking this in the responsible and contained manner I decide to go fully dark Kyra. What can I say? He's going to pay for what he did.

I smash down the front door with my powers and storm into the kitchen where I will most likely find him. He is sitting on the kitchen floor, in the middle of a magical conference with a hooded person at the other end of the call. They both looked at me then the hologram disappeared and Tyler stood up slowly with both hands in the air. I must have that look in my eyes. I walk up to him calmly then pick him up by his collar.

"Kyra, please. I killed him for a good reason, drop me and I'll tell you." He says with pleading eyes.

"I'm not here about Coen, I'm here about who you really are. And who is that? A demon? A spy? An angel?" I don't drop him, if he teleports now I will teleport with him but if I drop him he could forever be out of my grasp.

"Just so we're on the same page-" He starts.

"Fuck, we're not even in the same library!" I yell at him, I can feel my eyes turning red - they always burn and I actually see red.

"Please, really do care about you. It's just that-" That the precise moment when my mother comes crashing up through the floor in all of her glory.

"Alright, you're coming with me. I'm going to torture the truth out of you." She grabs Tyler by the arm and starts to pull him back under the earth with her.

"Kyra please, save me from her wrath. Please." He begs me.

"Why should I help you? You lied to me about who you were." I refuse to save him coldly.

"Ok that's fair enough, I hope you get the answers you want soon." And with that, he was fully pulled into the ground with only the mercy of the devil to shield him from what lies ahead.

Hope you enjoyed, please vote and this is the last chapter. THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE AN EPILOGUE!!! Yes, this is the first ever book that I have finished.

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