Chapter 14 - Tyler

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Love this song: If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin. I know this is a bit random but still, you should listen to it, I love songs with stories.

"Kyra?" He asked, whispering like he didn't want Coen hearing.

"Um... If you don't find me asking, BUT WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" I yell at him, making an intimidating first impression is usually a good idea for potential threats. I know right, big words.

He looked at Coen expecting him to conjure light so we could see each other but Coen was just squinting at the stranger. Dumb child.

"Oi Coen, do magic and shit." I nudge him in the ribs.

He didn't even take his eyes off the stranger's shadow-hooded face while he waving his huge hands around mid-air until an orb of light illuminated the space between the stranger and us. Immediately the stranger's face was visible, I feel like I should know who he is like his face was familiar but from my childhood.

He merely smiled weakly at me and it only felt natural to smile back. His eyebrows were turned up in a kind and sympathetic manner but his emerald green eyes were piercing, almost like mine. Although his clothing was ripped and torn he was clean shaved.

He was taller than Coen (who was already roughly 2 times taller than the average 17-year-old) and had a few freckles splattered across the bridge of his nose. Tattoos covered one of his forearms and I couldn't help but notice the tattoo of Dad on it.

"Who's that on your forearm?" I ask.

"Our father." Where I was expecting our think Aussie accent instead there was a tinge of Irish.

"Our?" I ask I need something to believe him.

"Yeah, the devil and our father had two children together, you and me." He sounds legit.

"How can I be sure that you're not playing me?" I ask.

"How can I prove myself to you?" He asks I was hoping that he would have something ready for that questions.

"Um... If 'our' father left handed or right handed?" Only the closest of his friends and family know this.

"Ambidextrous. He loved entering archery competitions and usually won because he was equally as good using either hand." He reminisced, I believe him.

"Where is he anyway? I've been trying to send a message to him for the past week, hoping that I could meet you finally." Oh god. I swear I'm the bringer of bad news.

"Well, you see... he was shot... and didn't make it." I stutter and try to hold back the emotions that come with it.

I feel strong arms around me then see Coen's dark blonde hair in my face, I hug him back. So that's the type of friends we are, the emotional type. We part and I see my unnamed brother's shocked face then I walk forward to hug him.

I hold out my arms and see if he will allow it since we literally just met. He vaguely smiles then bends down to hug me, it's a warm and caring embrace I wish I had him to hug me through life in general earlier.

"I guess you need a place to stay?" I ask holding his arm which holds my arm.

"Thanks, I haven't eaten in ages and I'm sure you can see the state of me." He gestures towards his clothes and cuts.

We walk towards the tent and I grab Coens hand while passing him. The warmth of our heated tent hits me softly as we enter through the door.

"We can talk tomorrow, I can see you're drained. Here have some fish then you can sleep on the top bunk other there." I point to Coen's bed.

"Did you forget about me?" Coen whispers as my brother shoved the fish into his piehole.

"We can bunk heads and tails again," I whisper back.

"What was your name?" How could I forget the most obvious question?

"Oh, Tyler. Blackburn. You?"

"Kyra and this is Coen." I gesture towards Coen who was still staring at Tyler but less intense so we are making progress at least.

"Nice to meet you both, thank you so much for letting me stay with you and letting me steal all of your food." He smiles.

"Our pleasure." I smile back.

Why are the devils' kids so caring and nice, the complete opposite to their mother?

So now you've met the brother, hope you like him! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! What's your favourite book either on Wattpad or paperback?

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