Chapter 9 - It's not me, it's you

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It's THE burger! Sorry I can't upload as often because my wifi wasn't working! Hope you enjoy!

It's THE burger! Sorry I can't upload as often because my wifi wasn't working! Hope you enjoy!

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"Yes," Coen says simply

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"Yes," Coen says simply.

"What?" I thought I could trust him.

"Yes, it's supposed to happen. This is your first lesson and attempt at using your magic, you have to think hard about where you have to go or what you want to happen. For example, at the moment you have to think about removing your hand from the boulder, it should remove itself when you get the hang of it." So I can trust him, but this trick is gonna annoy me to death (hopefully not literally).

"How long will it take, I'm hungry." Well I WAS fucking starving from the inside out.

"Depends on how focused you are. It could take from 10 minutes to 10 days." That fucktard.

"What about if I'm on an empty stomach?"

"Doesn't change how focused you are. It could actually help if you think about wanting to go and have food." Coen flicks his hand in a circle and a burger appears.

"Come and get it before I finish it." He's smiling now, trying to conceal laughter.

He starts eating the burger (smiling evilly) and just watches me struggle to get over to the food, and him I guess. I think about how hungry I am and how much I want that burger with all my brain power. I try pulling my hand off the boulder around every 5 seconds but nothing happens. I can't be bothered to fight anymore so I just sit down and try to get some energy back, I haven't slept in 2 days so you can guess how I'm feeling at the moment.

"Why have you stopped? You'll never get the food this way." Coen states the obvious yet again.

"How do you fucking expect me to behave when I'ven't slept in 2 shit-filled days? I don't even remember the last time I had enough of an appetite to eat food, Coen." I almost whispered because that always causes the best effect.

Then finally my hand detaches itself from the boulder, but it wasn't Coen's doing it was mine. I guess anger and fear was the key? I don't want to think about that now, I just need FOOD! I start bolting over to Coen before he can do anything, I grab the half eaten burger from out of his hands so forcefully that he falls back onto the ice-cold rock.

I shove the burger into my mouth in one bite then I see if Coen's ok, fries before guys you know (obviously it should be burgers before guys or anything before guys in that case). Although he probably had loads of bruises he was laughing, still on the floor with his legs in the air. He looked so ridiculous that I couldn't help but laugh at him too.

"Why are you laughing, you're the one that looks like a fuckwit, not me," I say through laughs.

"But have you seen your face? It's for burger smudged all over it and... and you snorted when you shoved it into your face!" He was laughing so hard now that his face was scrunched up and he was holding his stomach with laughter.

I looked around for some type of reflective surface but there wasn't any, obviously, so I just tried to rub the burger off my face.

"No, no! I need a picture!" Says Coen still smiling while taking out a camera and taking a photo.

"Where did you get that camera from?" I ask.

"Magic." He says mysteriously.

"I need to sleep, don't interrupt me ok?" I tell not ask him.

"Yep, I'll be out here if you need me." He says 'helpfully'.

"Kay, night," I say awkwardly.


I walk inside the cave and look around for something to sleep on. Rocks, rocks and more rocks. Fuck my life. I choose a spot away from the entrance where the wind would be around about huddle up with my knees to my chest in a ball. My hoodie makes a good enough pillow but my leggings are ripped and blood-stained so I take them off, my hoodie is oversized and nearly goes up to my knees anyway. I'll put them back on when I wake up. I doze off and dream about what my mother would look like, what other demons would be like and what state my Dad is in now.

"Kyra, wake up. Someone is here to see you and please put your leggings back on. Your Mum is here." Says Coen's voice.

So yeah... You're about to meet the devil.

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