Chapter 12 - Bye Dad

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Sorry I haven't updated recently, been reading Harry Potter and writing my other book '30 genres'. Your welcome for the donkey. Hope you enjoy!

 Hope you enjoy!

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"Look." She says as my father's ghost comes out from behind the cave wall.

My father is dead and I have a brother. Hello to you too Mum. I walk towards my Dad's ghost as he looks down at the chipped cave floor.

Just to make sure you're not thinking of a different looking ghost, my Dad's feet hovered only a centimetre above the floor. His body and clothes are like mist and semi-transparent. His hair is floating upwards in different angles like he's upside-down and underwater, other than that he has a crimson red splotch on his chest right where his unbeating heart must be.

I raise my hand and try to cup his cheek in my hand but it goes right through, part of his grey face is wisped away from the wind of my hand but it slowly came back together to form the same sad smile and pointed chin as he had before.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I ask, trying to keep the tears from falling, I'm not weak but it's fucking depressing to know that your father just died.

"Didn't feel like it." The devil says in her full glory, the bitch.

A glare at her, full of hatred. She doesn't care about any of us, you have no idea how much I want to at least punch her. Instead I take a deep breath in then out and continue to question her.

"What did you say about a brother?" If this is true and I do have a brother that has been trying to contact me then that would explain the weird feeling as if someone is watching me when I'm walking my myself.

"I said you have a brother that has been trying to contact you for the past year or so. Trust me, you don't want to meet him." She says with such little effort in moving her thin lips that she slurs some of her words.

"Why?" I ask curiously, I want to meet any family I have left.

"Too stubborn and good in general." I could deal with that.

"Can I meet him?" I ask already knowing the most likely answer.



"Sure." She repeats.

Ok. That wasn't the answer I was expecting, there must be something in it for her that I don't like.

"What's in it for you." I question her, staring boldly into her dark beady blood-red eyes.

"Even though I never liked you I still assumed you would see all the possibilities around my plan." She says with defeat.

"What I want," She continues, "is your soul. You can go on with your life normally except without your soul." She 'bargained'.

"Are there any side effects?" I say, still glaring into her eyes.

"Only you will have no emotions and no memories!" She says enthusiastically.

"No! I am NOT going through with this. Coen, get us out of here." I kneel down and hold Coen's good arm as he closes his eyes and scrunches his face with concentration.

It feels like I'm being pulled apart from every angle, someone's tugging on my hair and face. Suddenly we're in the middle of nowhere, trees blocking the bright sunlight (something I haven't seen in a couple of days). I'm thoroughly exhausted so I flop face-first onto the lush, emerald grass.

I turn onto my back and breath in the fresh spring breeze as I feel it wash over my face. I feel Coen flopping down near me too, with our arms touching we stare up into the treetops daydreaming of a life, a normal life.

I turn my head to look at him but he's already staring at me, blushing slightly, his greeny-blue eyes have a soft, kind look to them that makes me feel safe and warm. I smile and he smiles back then I go back to looking into the treetops but I still feel his eyes on me. I fall into a light sleep with no dreams, only resting my eyes and trying to recharge.

"We should set up somewhere to stay, we'll be here for quite a while." Coen's voice says from somewhere distant.

"Way to ruin the moment." I open my eyes and sit up with lots of effort.

He smiles slightly then offers his hand and I take it then continue to ruffle his floofy hair. We walk about a kilometer to a clearing and move some of the leaves from the grass-patched ground. It's starting to get cold so I'm thankful that Coen woke me up sooner rather than later.

"What are we gonna stay in? Like a tent or something?" I ask looking around, maybe there's something I missed.

"You seem to have forgotten I have magic." He says simply.

I hadn't noticed until now but he was probably one to two heads taller the me, and I wasn't one of the short kids probably average height. And yes, I did forget he had magic, but still, who was I to know he could conjure a full tent, plus bedding, plus food, plus extra shit.

"So when can I see this tent?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

He raises his eyebrows back at me then twirled his hands in a fancy movement 3 quarters behind his back without taking his eyes off me. A tent appeared out of nowhere on the patchy grass we chose to live on for the time being.

It was only a small tent probably only made for one person, patches were applied over the holes in the roof.

"Are you kidding me? It's better on the inside right?" I thought my standards were low but apparently not enough.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" He followed me in.

Although it was a tent, it wasn't any tent. It was the most fucking fancy tent I have seen in my entire life. Dramatic I know but if only you could see it. It looked 1 and a half stories tall even though it was only one story, it was made of a slate grey rough woven fabric on the outside but the inside was made of so many different coloured silks. The inside of the tent was the size of a normal living room plus a huge kitchen off it.

"This is some Timelord shit right here." (Doctor Who reference).

I can see he knows I love my food. The 'patches' on the roof were actually roof windows from the inside, now do you get how fancy it was? Rhetorical question, if you answered you are special like me. It's not bad, trust me you get used to it.

Now that I look around the room, there is a bunk bed which I guess is for us, unless there are invisible people who have already claimed it - from now on we can't know anything for sure.

"I call the top bunk!" I yell as I sprint to it and spring onto the bed without using the ladder. You can say all you want about this being impossible but I (A/N also I) can do this. I know I'm amazing *hair flick*.

"Wow, your so mature." Coen sighs as he walks sluggishly over to his bottom bunk (sucker).

"Never said I was." I'm hungry.

"Is there any food?" I ask as my stomach growls.

"Sorry but one of the few laws in magic is that you can't just conjure food out of nothing, there must be a source." He replies. (Harry Potter reference)


Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I purposely made it a bit longer to make up for my inactiveness. It's a new word now.

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