Chapter 2 - Coen

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The paramedics have just told me that Olivia has passed.

I'm trying to fight all of Olivia's memories - the good, private and bad - somehow making their way into my brain and life. Add the fact that somehow I can actually do long division now by just thinking about the question in your head - this was one the many talents Olivia possessed (not me).

"Miss?" One of the paramedics says to try get my attention by waving one of her hands in front of my face.

I quickly snap out of my trance and focus on the stretcher bed with my dead friend on it.

"Yes?" I quickly reply.

"Are you feeling ok, you look unwell."

I don't know what's wrong with me but right now I feel exceptional. I should be feeling the opposite because I just killed my best friend.

"I'm ok, does her parents know about... this?" I question without my head fully in this world.

"Yes and they're on their way here right now. Are you sure you're feeling ok?"

I just nod. There is a certain smell in the air. Death I decide. And the most weirdest thing of all is that that odor is my new favourite scent...


At the moment I am contemplating why I can see and hear Olivia's memories and thoughts. I glance out of my bedroom window and see 7 coal-black crows pecking the recently planted grass on my front lawn. In 10 minutes Dad will be taking me to the police station where they'll ask me a "few questions" about how Olivia passed - take my statement.

"I guess I'll just tell them the truth." I say dully to one of my many toys.

A group of teenagers that look around my age are walking past the front of my house, of course being the creepy stalker I am I stare at them. One of the younger boys - probably the closest one to my age - looks right back at me. Which is super awkward.

I definitely wasn't expecting this change of events coming. He says something to his friends and they walk off without him, he continues to stare at me with his bright greeny-blue eyes while he slowly walks over to my window.

When he reaches my window he motions for me to talk to him outside. I recognise him now. He's in the other karate class that we join up with every 2 weeks. I decide that he couldn't be that bad because just a few seconds ago he was laughing with his friends, plus I know him from karate.

His name's Coen.

After stepping over the pigsty of a house I've got, I eventually reach the arched front door if my house. It's only my Dad and I that live here because my Mum died while giving birth to me. Immediately as I step out of the house I see Coen sitting on the veranda stairs. He walks over to me and sits on one of the many chairs on the veranda.

"So..." He says in a tone in which I can't work out if he is sad, angry, thoughtful or inbetween. 

"I've heard rumors that you have recently killed one of the girls in our karate class." I'm not sure what he was trying to get out of this because he should know that best friends always stick up for eachother even if one murdered the other.

"Yes, but it wasn't intentional. Why do you care anyway?" I feel uneasy under his stare, I'm used to stares from perverted guys but not like this.

He quickly looks away and I tuck my waist length, milk chocolate brown hair behind my pierced ear.

"I know how it feels. To accidentally murder someone. Have you been feeling different to what you should be feeling at the moment?" He asks slyly looking up slowing to meet my hazel eyes.

I'm extremely confused about why he would be asking this question for starters, but how does he know what I'm feeling? Who did he murder?

"Um... I don't know what you are talking about. I should really be going now, I have to meet someone somewhere... " Real smooth Kyra.

I immediately turn on my heels and run inside, locking the front door behind me. I stumble over to my bedroom and just manage to jump over my cat Hermione (named after Hermione Granger from Harry Potter).

When I get to my bedroom I see Coen still sitting right where I left him, staring at nothing in particular. I just stare at the back of his head wondering when he will go. But one question keeps bugging me, who did he kill?

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