Chapter 4 - Another Accident

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These are my 3 options:

Go with Coen - the eye colour-changing, foresight showing, definitely not human maybe psychopath. At least he thinks he knows where Dad is.

Ignore Coen and be left with the fact that my Dad has either been murdered or taken hostage somewhere. So if he is alive and I don't go then he will definitely die. 

Call the police, report Coen and my missing father. Hopefully Coen doesn't come back to haunt me (I'm pretty sure he's definitely capable of that).

In the end I choose the 2nd option, even though it might have not been the best option. Dad is trained to take kill someone with his bare hands after all. I jog cautiously towards the door and peer through the closed blinds to check if Coen is still there. He's gone.

It's now roughly 8pm (as it's displayed on the blood-splattered clock) so I decide to go to bed without dinner. It's hard to eat with nearly everything stained red with who knows who's blood. I slip under the poofy duvet covering my bed and try to sleep over the salty fragrance of the blood outside and seeping into my room.

Although this hasn't ever happened before I feel like I know what I'm meant to be doing. I resolve with myself that if Dad doesn't come back by 12 tonight then I'm going to find Coen and hopefully he wasn't joking about knowing where my Dad is or he will literally make a blood sacrifice.

It's 11.50pm now and I decide I should wait another day just in case they took Dad a good distance away from here and he's coming back now. Procrastination. School's tomorrow so I should get some sleep. Try not to think about Dad, Coen and the day that just happened.


My classmates at school used to sit right next to me during class but now they try to make as much space between me and them. The classrooms here aren't really big, but there are foldable doors so we can combine 2 classrooms if there isn't already a class in there, pretty much it's a double classroom size. Today particularly everyone seems to be sitting even further away from me...

"Class please get out your books and devices. Kyra, can I have a word with you?" Miss Clementine 'asks'. I really don't have a choice, I swear there's no freedom of speech at school ("Fuck." "DeTeNtIoN" "But Missssss Fred stole my pencil." "DETENTION FOR BACK TALK!").

"Sure." I say in a bored tone, lots of the teacher have asked me to join in with the other kids lately but for some reason I don't feel like talking to people. Hmmmm, I wonder why... Regardless, I walked to the side of the classroom where Miss Clementine is waiting for me. I feel everyone staring at me as I look up to meet Miss' eyes.

"I know this week hasn't been the best week for you, but please do interact with your classmates. Your test results have also been dropping so make sure you are studying to the best of your abilities. Is there anything you want to talk about?" She says calmly, she's always been a good teacher and listener to me at least.

"Actually there is. My Dad has gone missing since yesterday around late afternoon. He worked for the FBI a while ago so I think he will be alright, but I don't know what to do if he doesn't come back." I whisper to her although I'm fully aware the closer kids to me were eavesdropping because now there are whispering to each other. The whisper turns into chinese whispers, everyone is saying what they heard to the person sitting next to them. Soon the whole class has heard about my missing father.

"You can go back to your desk Kyra, I'm sure the ones you should be worrying about is his kidnappers." She winks at me. 

I pick up my scissors and decide that I should have to tell Miss Clementine about the knives everywhere in my house so I turn quickly but she's closer than what I expected.

"I didn't think you would take this out on me." She whispers as she falls to the floor.

I've just stabbed one of my favourite teachers. What's wrong with me? There's blood coming out of her chest, more and more as her heart pumps. With every pump a spirt of blood squirts onto my shoes. 

"I didn't mean to hurt you Miss, I'm really sorry. What should I do?" I ask quickly before it's too late.

But it's already too late because I see my scissors sticking up from her ribs and I feel unnaturally good. All of the guilt has somehow oozed out of me. I remember that I feel good only after the person has died, she must be dead.

There is silence for about 10 seconds then everyone starts screaming and runs to the other side of the room from me. I don't know why but this is kinda fun. I slowly walk towards them, smirking, as the guy who bullied me for my whole life is shaking and grabbing onto his best friends shoulders as a human sheild. Finally showing everyone just how much of a coward he is. 

I'm not going to hurt them but it is fun torturing them. He has made my life miserable for 11 years so I'm not going to leave without out evening out the mental and physical indents he has had on my life. All those sleepless nights of crying, cut and bruises he has given me.

I continue to walk closer, everyone has started to back slowly away from him. He lets out a stupid high-pitched scream as I whisper to him.

"Don't bully anyone ever again or you'll regret it." I say in a smug whisper.

Hi readers, hope you enjoyed this chapter, this is the 1st YA book I have ever written and thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day! 

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