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Gideon's POV
"My man, how are you?" I ask the caller on the line. The caller I've been tracking to fall in my trap

"I am not your man. How many times have I told you not to call me, I blocked you, how are you able to get to me still?" He asks. What a dumb kid!

"For someone who's American's most eligible bachelor and fucking trillonaire, you're really dense" I tell him with a light chuckle

"Why did you call me?"

"Now that's more like it. Meet me at the strippers club in town, the one you used to go to. Don't come and you'll face the consequences like never before" I say and hung up

This is getting interesting by the say

Detia's POV
I wake up and my vision is blurry.

"Honey are you okay?" My mom asks

What a stupid question

I can't even cry

I get up from the floor and leave the house, getting into my car

I have to be able to cry, and as stupid as this sounds, I know the moment I have Jace's arms around me I'll cry

I'm about to turn into his road when I see his car, what is his doing in front of a strip club. Only one answer to that

I get down from the car after parking it and throw my hoodie over my head, hiding my face. I enter without the guy seeing me and I immediately feel nauseous. The scent of cocaine and tequila is so strong here I can't even breathe.

"Hey beautiful" a drunk man tries to get his hands on me and I slap him, immediately regretting it as his sweat settles on my palm, gross. I walk towards the VIP section, knowing I'll definitely see him there, and I do. But with Gideon?

I open my mouth to call him when he starts talking so I decide to listen. I don't know why but my instincts prove it right so I do it

"Look, I know my men killed Dean Hamilton, but I didn't give them that order. Please don't tell Detia anything about this, I love her and I don't want to lose her" he says and this time the tears come running. The man I love killed my father, and after that he has the nerve to say he loves me

"Why?" I croak out my when he turns his head towards me, the fire that his blue eyes always held making me mesmerized, when that fire dies and his eyes turn hooded, almost black, all colour drained from his face, I know he heard me

"It's not what you think, baby allow me to explain"

"What did I do wrong, where did go wrong? Didn't I love you enough, do you really hate me this much? I thought you loved me Jace, but I was wrong. I just found out my father died and the man I loved killed him, well what a rollercoaster. You've got what you wanted. Thanks for ruining my life" I say and turn around, leaving the building. Any woman would throw and tantrum, talk so much, but I'm not just any woman. I'm a broken woman. And I'm exhausted.

Because nobody could Unbreak Me!

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