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"My brother is coming to New York anyway" I reply with

"Then that won't be a problem then" he says

He just told me that we have to leave today because he'll be travelling on Monday to Paris. What to do, he didn't tell me. I wanted to tell him about Paris so bad. Tell him about my life there. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The main reason why Thomas is coming back is because he is looking for me. And luckily Thomas has got a hunch about it. I told him we were over, I told him that I never want to see him again. But I guess he never grabbed that info.

"What's got you thinking?" Jace asked me as I got up to clean the dishes

"Nothing..." I trail off

He nods even though I can clearly see he doesn't buy my shit

"So ever been to Paris?"

Now lying is going to be very difficult. I mean you wouldn't want to lie to your boyfriend right? And if I don't tell him about me, where else can he find out? Google? I'm not that popular

Hey! You may not be popular but I am

That subconscious of my never speaks sense

"Yeah" I reply, breathless

"How many times?" He asks as I plop down on the sofa beside him. I stretch my legs and he places his head on my thigh consciously, I don't bother, it's become his habbit.

"I lived there. With my dad and brother, Thomas. The one coming"

"How was your life there?" This man really is something. He just won't drop it would he?
I avert my gaze away from him and gulp, trying to restrain the tears from flowing, I always seen to cry every time I remember him, even when I promise myself after the waterfall.

"Babe I'm sorry if I said something wrong" I look at him with a strained smile, his face castrated with guilt; pale.

"You didn't. I'll have to tell you one way or another, and I guess that's now" I blew out a breath and looked him dead in the eye. Here goes nothing...

Jace Stark POV
She blew out a breath and looked me dead in the eye. Something tells me I'm not gonna like whatever I'm gonna hear.

"When I was ten, I wanted to live with my father. Not only because he lived in Paris, but because I was daddy's little princess. Baby princess." She smiled

"So when he and mom got divorced, it as hard for me to be so far away, I get along very well with my mom, but that was besides the point. I wanted to be with daddy. So everything was set, I could live with my dad till I was sixteen, then it would be up to me whether I wanted to come back or not. I was happy, a little ten year old girl, always seeing the Eiffel tower in her dreams, naps, it was like a dream come true. Like being in Disney land for the first time. Just better. So I got to Paris, stayed with my dad, all was smooth. Until this man started coming to my dad's house, he was my dad's friend. I always got the creeps from him, so one time I told my dad about my distaste of him coming to our house, but he shrugged it off. He said it was dye to how mascular he loooked. I kept insisting. And dad kept reassuring. I attracted to this guy when I went to highschool as a freshman, Andrew"

I cringe at that.

"I had a major crush on him. At one point I even felt like I loved him, we would hang out together, come to my house even when my dad and his friend was there. I always saw the looks he shot Andrew. But I pretended I never did. One night, I was alone at home and he came, my dad wasn't around"

Oh please don't tell me that's where this is leading to

"He came for a visit. I was in my room reading one of my numerous novels, when he barged in. I was barely clothed. Just a shirt that reached mid-thigh. I asked him what he wanted. And he didn't even hide it. Me. And that's where.... it all came to an end. That night, he took my virginity."

"What the fuck?!" I yell

I'm so gonna murder someone

She doesn't need this right now

I pull her into my arms and hug her tight. She wipes her nose and gets out of my embrace. Clearly not wanting go be touched, remembering it. I'm hurt. I'm bruised.

"It continued on. I even drifted away from Andrew. He kept on trying, coming closer, but I kept on ignoring. Then all of sudden, he stopped caring. Anytime I would see him staring, he would avert his gaze. A pained expression on his face. I was angry, he wasn't speaking to and now he's staring, acting as if he cares. He even started going out with another girl. I asked him what she had that I didn't, out of anger. But he wouldn't answer.  Not knowing he had threatened him to stay away. So he had no option. He kept on with torture, telling me he'll kill dad if I tell him. So I kept mute. One night before he could do anything else, I shot him and ran back  to New York. No one knew anything but what I told my dad. I had to come. Until now it still remains a mystery. You're the first person I've told. Apart from Thomas. He knew because he didn't like him either. But he was on campus, a uni in Paris. He didn't come till vac. But when he did and he saw my change of behavior, he demanded an answer. Seems he didn't die afterall, I've heard he's searching for me."

I don't know what to say. I stood up and walked to her and hugged her from behind. He flinched and pulled away. Back to square one. Zero. Nothing. Zip.

Take ten steps foward and a thousand ones back. Nada.

I turned her to look at me, determined, "I'm not gonna treat you like that honey. Trust me. And believe it or not. I'll find that bastard before he can even breath the same air space as you. I promise!" I say and she nods. I heave a sigh of relief. All hope is not lost
I pick her up bridal style and lay her on the bed once we get to the room, and soon, she's knocked out.

Guess we'll be going later in the evening then

Author's Note: 
Hola amigos. Another update Guess someone didn't have an easy life in the City of Love. So how did you like it? That's more about our lovely Detia. Lemme hear from you, if not, don't touch ma wig.

And yes, a new story is up. Titled; Bloody Halloween. You should check it out!
And also thanks so much to AniyahHughesInc for my amazing covers. She makes the best of them. I wanted these simple ones. You should try her, really.
That's all for today


Unbreak Me | Completed✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin