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"AHHH!" I scream when I wake up to elephants playing drums in my head that you call headache

"Here, take this" a voice says

With my eyes still closed, I force them open only to be met with a hazy sight

"Who are you?" I ask

And the person snorts

Rude much?

"So now you don't know who I am. Amazing" the person says, sacarsm dripping

And I recognize the voice immediately


Memories of what I saw last night come pulling back. And I can't help but hate him. Despise him. It's not even a month and when I decide to get into a relationship, this happens.
Well then fuck it!

"You had one thing to do, one, that was wait. How could you be so stupid?!" He's practically yelling now

But I don't pay attention to that. I rather gasp


I force myself to get up from the position I was in my bed and stand straight infront of him.

And I do the unthinkable

I slap him

"Let today be the first and last time you dare insult me, if not, your mama won't recognize you" I say in a low warning tone

"How dare-" he starts bringing his hand to slap me but I get hold of it even before he can

"Don't even think about it"

"Stupid, oh so what exactly did you want me to do. You tell me that you'll be right back and the next thing I know I've been waiting for three god damn hours, what exactly do you take me for. Some school girl you tell to wait then will wait, or you ask me to jump then I'll be like how high? Well news flash you swine, the last time you picked me, I wasn't born with a default to answer to you. And if I remember clearly, I wasn't your submissive, neither am I now, I am your girlfriend and I deserve some respect, so if you can't give it to me don't expect it from me. Because if there's one thing that goes in handy on this earth it's respect and my mother taught me that much" I poke him in the chest and he stumbles backwards

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" He yells

"Now you lower your voice you hear me. What exactly did you think? That I will sit and wait for you while you live in your BDSM fantasies? If that is what you thought, then you got another thing coming mister!" I yell

The pain in my head becoming stronger but I pay no attention to it

"What are you talking about? I was just having some drin-"

"Oh shut up! You don't dare lie to me. If you have some decency left at least tell me the truth."

He remains quiet and so do I.
For a thirty minutes he remains quiet
And all the tears that I tried to push in comes down. I turn around not wanting him to see my tears. But as I ask him that one question that I promised myself never to ask again, my voice betrays me

"What does she have that I don't?"

Author's Note:
Heyya people . As for this book, it is written in my mind like a schedule, all I have to do is update. But as for DIFFERENT, I need inspiration. I am finshed.🤣🤣
Anyway, I hope you loved this chapter
I thought it'll take a while to unveal the Unbreaker, but this book has it's own direction, so I guess we'll be seeing him soon. So without much ado
Be expecting me😉
- xoxo
Samrielhot8 💋💋

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