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Soon the trip came to an end. I must say, I enjoyed it, maybe even more than I had to. The last day consisted of Justin and I seeing new places and eating out, I didn't know he was extremely funny. School gives you less time to socialise with those around you. We're not best buddies, but we're friends to say the least.

As we make our way back to the campus, I can't help but miss Annabel, I can't wait to see here. Once the car parks, I make my way out and take my luggage.

"I'll be going now Justin, it was great working with you"

"Same here, I had an amazing time"

I turn to leave but he tugs on my wrists and pulls me into a hug. I squeak in surprise because mind you, the hug is tight

"C-cant br-e-athe" I stutter

"Oh I'm sorry" he says and let go. He looks flushed

"Hopefully we meet again, see you around"I give a final wave and get inside. I'm quite surprised when I see Zion leaning against a wall in the hall that leads to Annabel's apartment

"Oh hi Zion"

"Don't you oh hi Zion me. What was that all about? You just don't learn do you?"

What is his problem?

"What are you on about?" I ask

"Don't you dare play dumb with me!" He yells and I flinch at his tone, but I don't squirm

"You hugging and and all that public, like no one's watching" he continues

"Are you done? Look I just came back from a trip and this is the last thing I need"

"Oh you mean a sex event"

Oh my God he didn't

Without thinking I raise my hand and slap him. Hard!

"How dare you? I mean what the hell? Have I gotten so comfortable with you that you think you can just pop out of no where and insult me? Let today be the first and last time you ever talk to me like that again, I went for a school trip, and he happened to be my classmate who was supposed to work with me and we became friends later. Haven't you seen friends hugging before? Or did you mother get pregnant by hugging your father? Let me warn you, don't ever cross me. Because I can be the baddest bitch alive, and I'll be your worst nightmare"

I turn to leave and he holds my wrist

"Let. Go. Now" I say very slow and calm, my voice menacingly shuddering

"I'm sorry "

"I said let go" he lets go and I turn to leave, when I get to my door I speak

"Sorry just doesn't cut it" I say without turning around and and get inside.

"What was all that commotion outside?"

"Well hello to you too"

"Oh I'm sorry, welcome back your majesty" she bows and I laugh, all my worry just fading off. She's been a very supportive friend when I needed one during the first weeks when things got tough.

"Thank you." I fake the British accent and we laugh

"So? How did the trip go?"

"Amazing, I am friends with Justin now" I say

"And the man you interviewed? How is he like?"

"Oh he's handsome, and everything went well, all in all, I'd say I enjoyed the trip very much"

"That's good? Mind telling me what was going on outside our door?"

"You know Zion right?"

"That guy in your publishing class?"

"Yeah, saw Justin hugging me and called me a slut, indirectly though"

"Direct or not an insult is an insult. Hope you dealt with him. Do I have to kick some asses?"

And that what I love about this girl, always ready to knock them off

"Naaahh, dealt with him pretty well"

"That's my bad girl"

She says and high fives me.

"So what are we having for dinner?" I ask

"Since you've been eating out for the past two days, how does spaghetti and meatballs sound?"

"Delicious" I reply, already hungry

Zion's POV:
"Hey man what's wrong with you?" James, my bestfriend asks once I'm in my room and slam the door shut

"I messed up"

"How? Tell me about it"

So I tell him, about how I got angry to when she slapped me and all.

"I just got jealous okay"

"You like her, that can be understood, and you can get jealous, is a feeling some can't control, but you have no right to get mad. You don't even know if you have a chance with her and you're already blowing up burnt ashes"

"Are you trying to make me feel better or you're mocking me?" I ask, irritated

"Just stating the truth man"

I flop on my bed and sigh

"How do I get her back?"

"She was never yours in the first place, just a reminder, she was just your friend, now make it up to her, tomorrow?"


"Boy, you know how."

I do know how!

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