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"Are you done with your exam?" Jace asks once I'm in his office on Friday afternoon, anytime I come into the office, memories of what we did on his desk replay themselves in my mind, I swear I've never looked at the oak furniture the same since.

"Yes, yes I'm done." I squeal, I finished it this morning and I couldn't be more happy

"Come give me a hug then" he says and I crash into his arms, before him I thought my mum's hugs was the best, I still do, but this is more like home.

"I'm going home tomorrow" I blurt out, waiting to see his reaction

"That's perfect! Will see you when you come back" he says and I feel a pang of disappointment. I get out of his hold immediately, if you blinked you would have missed it.

Does he want me to go?

You're overreacting!

Oh shut up!

"Is anything the matter?" He asks, sensing my change in mood

"No, I should get some work than"

He nods and I move to my office.

Jace Stark's POV
The things she does to me. I promised myself not to touch her, but that day I lost control, hell, I've lost control ever since. I can't let her go, and I also can't seem to keep her. I'm conflicted, I've never felt these before, these strange feelings. I don't keep a woman for more than a weak, but I've kept her for more than three months, and at the same time I haven't. I can't be away from her for even a second. But I have to let her go, even if it's for now, at least till I've made up my mind.

Just for now!

Theodetia Hamilton POV
"I'm leaving Trev, see you when I return"

"Are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes, I am"

"Let me drop you home"

The nerve of this guy

"That wouldn't be necessary" I say and get out of the door, not wanting to hear anything from him. One minute he doesn't want me and the next minute he wants to be around me. He better make up his mind, or he should just forget about me


"Hey are you okay?" Annabel asks, again once I emerge from the door. I don't bother arguing, I guess it's just a new hobby

"Yes, I'm fine"

"Good! Now let me ask you this, if you were given your grandparents' ashes, how long will you keep it and what will you do it afterwards?" She asks, well that's a nice question

"I keep it for about a year and dispose it in the sea" I shrug

"Well a guy was given his grandma's ashes and he flushed it down the toilet, not even keeping it for an hour, and the most amusing thing was he was arrested" she laughs

"Is that a crime? I agree it was stupid but the ashes were given to him so he gets to decide what to do with it " I say and she shrugs

"Well it was a 'crime', make sure you don't ever plan on leaving my life, I'll get you arrested" she chuckles and I shake my head and go to my room

Leave it to Annabel to make my day

Annabel's POV
I look at her retreating figure and I'm glad I've been able to make her day or evening if you want to say it like that. Before she came along I thought I was just attracted to guys, but now I guess I'm bisexual, I like her, I really do, but not everyone's like me, especially when she likes my brother and my brother reciprocates the feelings, I don't mind, I can't hate my brother for that. And I won't, because having her close to me is enough I guess. The day I saw the hickey on her neck, it was like I was being torn apart, but I've learnt to live with it, with the little things. Such as making her happy. She may be broken, even a blind person can see that, but if she's broken and she can attract both sexes attention, then she's a true beauty.

She just need to be unbroken.

Author's Note:
Hello guys! Ok WTAF?!
Who would have thought? Annabel? Definitely not me
Anyway, I want you guys to check out a story by duncat11 titled For Now
The phrase kinda inspired me so yeah.
Anyways, please stop Jace to stop fucking up. Or not....
If you were given your grandparents ashes will you flush it down the toilet? And is it a crime?
You know I love to hear from you

Ttyl lovelies😘😘😘

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