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So after Jace laughing at me and everything, I finally asked him who brought the clothes and he said he asked Annabel to bring them over and told me we're going out. So after watching Spectre, we are now having ice cream at Let Me Nourish Your Tastebuds.

"So how have you been liking your job so far?" He asks, finishing his ice cream

"Well so far so good" I smile

"We should get going, you have class in the morning" he says, getting up

"Sure" I say and get up along with him. Don't ask where my ice cream is, when it comes to food I'm a monster, or so my mom says. I guess she was right.

Forty five minutes later we're at the apartment.

"Well see you tomorrow sugar" he says and peck my cheeks and I bid him goodnight

"You guys should get married already, seeing the both of you is gross" he shudders and I chuckle. Why siblings are always disgusted about each other's love life is still a mystery to me

"You know you should stop doing that" I say

"Doing what?"

"Bombarding me like that every time I emerge from the door, at least let me sit down"

"This is me for you babe"

"Sure is" I mutter

If there's one thing I like about Annabel, is she doesn't pry, tell her if you want to, if not forget it.

I order pizza not wanting to eat anything too heavy and retire to bed early since it's been a hectic day.


I wake up quite early and get ready for school. I take a shower and dress well enough since I'll be going to the office later.

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I take my bag and head out to the kitchen. I brew some coffee and pour it into my travel mug. 
I make my way to Publishing class and sit by Zion

"Hey Theo, haven't seen you since the last time we went out"

"Yeah, I'm so sorry, I've been busy" I say

"Got the job yet?"


"Where and what position?"

One question at a time mister

"Stark Holdings Incorporation and I'm a PA for Mr. Jace Stark"

"You mean American multi trillonaire Jace Stark?"

"You know any other? I thought you met him at the cafe the last time"
"Nope." He says, surprised. Just then the lecturer comes in and clad rolls


"Goodafternoon Jace" I greet once I'm in the office

He raises his head from the MacBook as he audibly gulps before speaking

"Afternoon Val" he replies, breathless. Is everything okay? Though the new name still feels foreign

He hands me some files and soon I'm put to work.


Hours later I'm ready to leave when I enter Jace's office

"I'm done for the day Trev" I say

"Not so fast Val" ok the problem now is?

He walks close to me, getting dangerously close and before I know it, my back is attached to his desk. He stands straighter, but closer, so that he's towering over me 

"Looking hot every passing second and wearing clothes like this is you know" he whispers, his voice sending shivers down my spine

So it's about the dress, but I didn't have any intention like that whiles wearing it, just wanted to look presentable. Then maybe I'll stop wearing clothes like this... or not

Before I can respond, his lips are crashed unto my own, kissing me heatedly and feverishly, as if if he lets go of me I'll disappear, but I'm not complaining, I kiss him back with the same intensity, he trails kisses from my mouth to my chin to my neck, when he finds my spot right near my collarbone, he sucks on it, hot and hard, surely leaving a hickey. He trails his fingers up my thigh, my dress moving up along with him, he finds my lips once more, his hands making it's way to my inner thigh. Faster than anyone else, he slides his fingers into me, and I throw my head back in immense pleasure. This feels so good.

"Oh my god, Trev, ahh" I moan out loud

"Say my name" he breathes

"Trev..." I moan as the speed of his fingers increase as well as the number

He finally retrieves his hands, licking them, not ince breaking eye contact. How the fuck is he so good with his hands? I've never felt something like this before

"If I don't stop, I'll take you on top of this desk, right here, because I don't think I can control myself" he whispers

"Come let me take you home" he says and I nod, straightening my attire. I pick my bag and follow him

Once I'm home, I fall face flat on my bed

What in the world just happened?

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